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<h4 align="right">This is (the unfloding of) an<span style="font-size:50"> audio zine</span> on amplification of female and collective voices.</h4>
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<p style="font-size: 28px;background-color: lightgrey; margin-right: 90%;">Dive into</p>
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<a href="podcast1.php" target="_blank">Podcast1 <div class="description">"MEDIATING SPEECH"</div></a>
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<a href="texts/thesis/thesis-angeliki.html" target="_blank">Let' s Talk About Unspeakable Things <div class="description">THESIS, ANNOTATIONS</div></a>
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<a href="amplification.html" target="_blank">Amplification of female voices <div class="description">VOCAL EXERCISES, MEETINGS</div></a>
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<a href="../Grad_project proposal/1902_describe-soundwalks/West Rotterdam/leeszaal_repetition.html" target="_blank">Diary of West Rotterdam <div class="description">PROCESS, ARCHIVE</div></a>
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<a href="overlapping-interface.html" target="_blank">Feedback Composition <div class="description">SOUNDWALKS, ANNOTATIVE RECORDINGS</div></a>
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<a href="player.html" target="_blank">Player <div class="description">ARCHIVE</div></a>
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<p style="font-size: 28px;background-color: lightgrey; margin-right: 90%;">About</p>
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It is a collection of audio recordings coming from meetings I co-organised, internet sources, podcasts and soundwalks. 'Revisiting podcasts' questions the establishment of authoritative/male voices that create exclusive speech platforms, along the assumption that voices have to be rational, authoritative (voice of expertise) etc. The intervention that changes the paradigm becomes a set of podcasts that revisit the sound material produced in situated amplification meetings and soundwalks. Every podcast includes the previous one, on a way that creates repetetive layers of the same material. Creating presence by repetetion.'Revisiting podcasts' are upsetting binaries such as male/female, expert/amateur, rational/irrational
<div align="right" ><div style="background-color: pink;width: 300px;">questions arisen:<br> how to approach the gender of voice in matter of terminology?<br>how the community outside of institution interacts with the inside of institution?<br>what conflicts or frictions the technical aspect provokes</div></div>
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