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'Let's amplify unspeakable things' is an online platform of exploration and research, regarding voice in public and its amplification, developed by Angeliki Diakrousi. It creates a space for excluded voices to be explored, that questions the establishment of authoritative voices — which construct exclusive speech platforms and binaries, along the assumption that voices have to be rational. It includes a set of <div class="tooltip-wrap" style="display: inline;text-decoration:underline;">podcasts <div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>what conflicts or frictions the technical aspect and difficulties, of a project like that reveals? The website consists of different web-audio implementations</div></div></div>that revisit and overlay an archive of audio recordings produced in situated meetings and soundwalks, and media sources from a body of research. 'Let's amplify unspeakable things' is based on the concept that amplification can create presence through repetition and multiplication.