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Miscellaneous routines (:mod:`scipy.misc`)
.. currentmodule:: scipy.misc
Various utilities that don't have another home.
Note that Pillow ( is not a dependency
of SciPy, but the image manipulation functions indicated in the list
below are not available without it.
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
ascent - Get example image for processing
central_diff_weights - Weights for an n-point central m-th derivative
derivative - Find the n-th derivative of a function at a point
face - Get example image for processing
electrocardiogram - Load an example of a one-dimensional signal.
Deprecated functions:
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
bytescale - Byte scales an array (image) [requires Pillow]
fromimage - Return a copy of a PIL image as a numpy array [requires Pillow]
imfilter - Simple filtering of an image [requires Pillow]
imread - Read an image file from a filename [requires Pillow]
imresize - Resize an image [requires Pillow]
imrotate - Rotate an image counter-clockwise [requires Pillow]
imsave - Save an array to an image file [requires Pillow]
imshow - Simple showing of an image through an external viewer [requires Pillow]
toimage - Takes a numpy array and returns a PIL image [requires Pillow]
Deprecated aliases:
.. autosummary::
:toctree: generated/
comb - Combinations of N things taken k at a time, "N choose k" (imported from `scipy.special`)
factorial - The factorial function, ``n! = special.gamma(n+1)``
(imported from `scipy.special`)
factorial2 - Double factorial, ``(n!)!`` (imported from `scipy.special`)
factorialk - ``(...((n!)!)!...)!`` where there are k '!' (imported from `scipy.special`)
logsumexp - Compute the log of the sum of exponentials of input elements
(imported from `scipy.special`)
pade - Pade approximation to function as the ratio of two polynomials.
(imported from `scipy.interpolate`)
info - Get help information for a function, class, or module. (imported from `numpy`)
source - Print function source code. (imported from `numpy`)
who - Print the Numpy arrays in the given dictionary. (imported from `numpy`)
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
__all__ = ['who', 'source', 'info', 'doccer', 'pade',
'comb', 'factorial', 'factorial2', 'factorialk', 'logsumexp']
from . import doccer
from .common import *
from numpy import who as _who, source as _source, info as _info
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate._pade import pade as _pade
from scipy.special import (comb as _comb, logsumexp as _lsm,
factorial as _fact, factorial2 as _fact2, factorialk as _factk)
import sys
_msg = ("Importing `%(name)s` from scipy.misc is deprecated in scipy 1.0.0. Use "
"`scipy.special.%(name)s` instead.")
comb = np.deprecate(_comb, message=_msg % {"name": _comb.__name__})
logsumexp = np.deprecate(_lsm, message=_msg % {"name": _lsm.__name__})
factorial = np.deprecate(_fact, message=_msg % {"name": _fact.__name__})
factorial2 = np.deprecate(_fact2, message=_msg % {"name": _fact2.__name__})
factorialk = np.deprecate(_factk, message=_msg % {"name": _factk.__name__})
_msg = ("Importing `pade` from scipy.misc is deprecated in scipy 1.0.0. Use "
"`scipy.interpolate.pade` instead.")
pade = np.deprecate(_pade, message=_msg)
_msg = ("Importing `%(name)s` from scipy.misc is deprecated in scipy 1.0.0. Use "
"`numpy.%(name)s` instead.")
who = np.deprecate(_who, message=_msg % {"name": "who"})
source = np.deprecate(_source, message=_msg % {"name": "source"})
@np.deprecate(message=_msg % {"name": "info.(..., toplevel='scipy')"})
def info(object=None,maxwidth=76,output=sys.stdout,toplevel='scipy'):
return _info(object, maxwidth, output, toplevel)
info.__doc__ = _info.__doc__
del sys
from .pilutil import *
from . import pilutil
__all__ += pilutil.__all__
del pilutil
except ImportError:
from . import common
__all__ += common.__all__
del common
from scipy._lib._testutils import PytestTester
test = PytestTester(__name__)
del PytestTester