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# Author: Pearu Peterson, March 2002
# additions by Travis Oliphant, March 2002
# additions by Eric Jones, June 2002
# additions by Johannes Loehnert, June 2006
# additions by Bart Vandereycken, June 2006
# additions by Andrew D Straw, May 2007
# additions by Tiziano Zito, November 2008
# April 2010: Functions for LU, QR, SVD, Schur and Cholesky decompositions were
# moved to their own files. Still in this file are functions for eigenstuff
# and for the Hessenberg form.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
__all__ = ['eig', 'eigvals', 'eigh', 'eigvalsh',
'eig_banded', 'eigvals_banded',
'eigh_tridiagonal', 'eigvalsh_tridiagonal', 'hessenberg', 'cdf2rdf']
import numpy
from numpy import (array, isfinite, inexact, nonzero, iscomplexobj, cast,
flatnonzero, conj, asarray, argsort, empty, newaxis,
argwhere, iscomplex, eye, zeros, einsum)
# Local imports
from scipy._lib.six import xrange
from scipy._lib._util import _asarray_validated
from scipy._lib.six import string_types
from .misc import LinAlgError, _datacopied, norm
from .lapack import get_lapack_funcs, _compute_lwork
_I = cast['F'](1j)
def _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vin, dtype):
Produce complex-valued eigenvectors from LAPACK DGGEV real-valued output
# - see LAPACK man page DGGEV at ALPHAI
v = numpy.array(vin, dtype=dtype)
m = (w.imag > 0)
m[:-1] |= (w.imag[1:] < 0) # workaround for LAPACK bug, cf. ticket #709
for i in flatnonzero(m):
v.imag[:, i] = vin[:, i+1]
conj(v[:, i], v[:, i+1])
return v
def _make_eigvals(alpha, beta, homogeneous_eigvals):
if homogeneous_eigvals:
if beta is None:
return numpy.vstack((alpha, numpy.ones_like(alpha)))
return numpy.vstack((alpha, beta))
if beta is None:
return alpha
w = numpy.empty_like(alpha)
alpha_zero = (alpha == 0)
beta_zero = (beta == 0)
beta_nonzero = ~beta_zero
w[beta_nonzero] = alpha[beta_nonzero]/beta[beta_nonzero]
# Use numpy.inf for complex values too since
# 1/numpy.inf = 0, i.e. it correctly behaves as projective
# infinity.
w[~alpha_zero & beta_zero] = numpy.inf
if numpy.all(alpha.imag == 0):
w[alpha_zero & beta_zero] = numpy.nan
w[alpha_zero & beta_zero] = complex(numpy.nan, numpy.nan)
return w
def _geneig(a1, b1, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b,
ggev, = get_lapack_funcs(('ggev',), (a1, b1))
cvl, cvr = left, right
res = ggev(a1, b1, lwork=-1)
lwork = res[-2][0].real.astype(
if ggev.typecode in 'cz':
alpha, beta, vl, vr, work, info = ggev(a1, b1, cvl, cvr, lwork,
overwrite_a, overwrite_b)
w = _make_eigvals(alpha, beta, homogeneous_eigvals)
alphar, alphai, beta, vl, vr, work, info = ggev(a1, b1, cvl, cvr,
lwork, overwrite_a,
alpha = alphar + _I * alphai
w = _make_eigvals(alpha, beta, homogeneous_eigvals)
_check_info(info, 'generalized eig algorithm (ggev)')
only_real = numpy.all(w.imag == 0.0)
if not (ggev.typecode in 'cz' or only_real):
t = w.dtype.char
if left:
vl = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vl, t)
if right:
vr = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vr, t)
# the eigenvectors returned by the lapack function are NOT normalized
for i in xrange(vr.shape[0]):
if right:
vr[:, i] /= norm(vr[:, i])
if left:
vl[:, i] /= norm(vl[:, i])
if not (left or right):
return w
if left:
if right:
return w, vl, vr
return w, vl
return w, vr
def eig(a, b=None, left=False, right=True, overwrite_a=False,
overwrite_b=False, check_finite=True, homogeneous_eigvals=False):
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem of a square matrix.
Find eigenvalues w and right or left eigenvectors of a general matrix::
a vr[:,i] = w[i] b vr[:,i]
a.H vl[:,i] = w[i].conj() b.H vl[:,i]
where ``.H`` is the Hermitian conjugation.
a : (M, M) array_like
A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
will be computed.
b : (M, M) array_like, optional
Right-hand side matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem.
Default is None, identity matrix is assumed.
left : bool, optional
Whether to calculate and return left eigenvectors. Default is False.
right : bool, optional
Whether to calculate and return right eigenvectors. Default is True.
overwrite_a : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite `a`; may improve performance. Default is False.
overwrite_b : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite `b`; may improve performance. Default is False.
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
homogeneous_eigvals : bool, optional
If True, return the eigenvalues in homogeneous coordinates.
In this case ``w`` is a (2, M) array so that::
w[1,i] a vr[:,i] = w[0,i] b vr[:,i]
Default is False.
w : (M,) or (2, M) double or complex ndarray
The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its
multiplicity. The shape is (M,) unless
vl : (M, M) double or complex ndarray
The normalized left eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue
``w[i]`` is the column vl[:,i]. Only returned if ``left=True``.
vr : (M, M) double or complex ndarray
The normalized right eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue
``w[i]`` is the column ``vr[:,i]``. Only returned if ``right=True``.
If eigenvalue computation does not converge.
See Also
eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays
eigh : Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays.
eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian
band matrices
eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for
symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[0., -1.], [1., 0.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a)
array([0.+1.j, 0.-1.j])
>>> b = np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 1.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a, b)
array([ 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j])
>>> a = np.array([[3., 0., 0.], [0., 8., 0.], [0., 0., 7.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a, homogeneous_eigvals=True)
array([[3.+0.j, 8.+0.j, 7.+0.j],
[1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j]])
>>> a = np.array([[0., -1.], [1., 0.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a) == linalg.eig(a)[0]
array([ True, True])
>>> linalg.eig(a, left=True, right=False)[1] # normalized left eigenvector
array([[-0.70710678+0.j , -0.70710678-0.j ],
[-0. +0.70710678j, -0. -0.70710678j]])
>>> linalg.eig(a, left=False, right=True)[1] # normalized right eigenvector
array([[0.70710678+0.j , 0.70710678-0.j ],
[0. -0.70710678j, 0. +0.70710678j]])
a1 = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
if len(a1.shape) != 2 or a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a))
if b is not None:
b1 = _asarray_validated(b, check_finite=check_finite)
overwrite_b = overwrite_b or _datacopied(b1, b)
if len(b1.shape) != 2 or b1.shape[0] != b1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
if b1.shape != a1.shape:
raise ValueError('a and b must have the same shape')
return _geneig(a1, b1, left, right, overwrite_a, overwrite_b,
geev, geev_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(('geev', 'geev_lwork'), (a1,))
compute_vl, compute_vr = left, right
lwork = _compute_lwork(geev_lwork, a1.shape[0],
if geev.typecode in 'cz':
w, vl, vr, info = geev(a1, lwork=lwork,
w = _make_eigvals(w, None, homogeneous_eigvals)
wr, wi, vl, vr, info = geev(a1, lwork=lwork,
t = {'f': 'F', 'd': 'D'}[wr.dtype.char]
w = wr + _I * wi
w = _make_eigvals(w, None, homogeneous_eigvals)
_check_info(info, 'eig algorithm (geev)',
positive='did not converge (only eigenvalues '
'with order >= %d have converged)')
only_real = numpy.all(w.imag == 0.0)
if not (geev.typecode in 'cz' or only_real):
t = w.dtype.char
if left:
vl = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vl, t)
if right:
vr = _make_complex_eigvecs(w, vr, t)
if not (left or right):
return w
if left:
if right:
return w, vl, vr
return w, vl
return w, vr
def eigh(a, b=None, lower=True, eigvals_only=False, overwrite_a=False,
overwrite_b=False, turbo=True, eigvals=None, type=1,
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem for a complex
Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.
Find eigenvalues w and optionally eigenvectors v of matrix `a`, where
`b` is positive definite::
a v[:,i] = w[i] b v[:,i]
v[i,:].conj() a v[:,i] = w[i]
v[i,:].conj() b v[:,i] = 1
a : (M, M) array_like
A complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues and
eigenvectors will be computed.
b : (M, M) array_like, optional
A complex Hermitian or real symmetric definite positive matrix in.
If omitted, identity matrix is assumed.
lower : bool, optional
Whether the pertinent array data is taken from the lower or upper
triangle of `a`. (Default: lower)
eigvals_only : bool, optional
Whether to calculate only eigenvalues and no eigenvectors.
(Default: both are calculated)
turbo : bool, optional
Use divide and conquer algorithm (faster but expensive in memory,
only for generalized eigenvalue problem and if eigvals=None)
eigvals : tuple (lo, hi), optional
Indexes of the smallest and largest (in ascending order) eigenvalues
and corresponding eigenvectors to be returned: 0 <= lo <= hi <= M-1.
If omitted, all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned.
type : int, optional
Specifies the problem type to be solved:
type = 1: a v[:,i] = w[i] b v[:,i]
type = 2: a b v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
type = 3: b a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
overwrite_a : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in `a` (may improve performance)
overwrite_b : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in `b` (may improve performance)
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
w : (N,) float ndarray
The N (1<=N<=M) selected eigenvalues, in ascending order, each
repeated according to its multiplicity.
v : (M, N) complex ndarray
(if eigvals_only == False)
The normalized selected eigenvector corresponding to the
eigenvalue w[i] is the column v[:,i].
type 1 and 3: v.conj() a v = w
type 2: inv(v).conj() a inv(v) = w
type = 1 or 2: v.conj() b v = I
type = 3: v.conj() inv(b) v = I
If eigenvalue computation does not converge,
an error occurred, or b matrix is not definite positive. Note that
if input matrices are not symmetric or hermitian, no error is reported
but results will be wrong.
See Also
eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays
eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays
eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for
symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices
This function does not check the input array for being hermitian/symmetric
in order to allow for representing arrays with only their upper/lower
triangular parts.
>>> from scipy.linalg import eigh
>>> A = np.array([[6, 3, 1, 5], [3, 0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2], [5, 1, 2, 2]])
>>> w, v = eigh(A)
>>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4)))
a1 = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
if len(a1.shape) != 2 or a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a))
if iscomplexobj(a1):
cplx = True
cplx = False
if b is not None:
b1 = _asarray_validated(b, check_finite=check_finite)
overwrite_b = overwrite_b or _datacopied(b1, b)
if len(b1.shape) != 2 or b1.shape[0] != b1.shape[1]:
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
if b1.shape != a1.shape:
raise ValueError("wrong b dimensions %s, should "
"be %s" % (str(b1.shape), str(a1.shape)))
if iscomplexobj(b1):
cplx = True
cplx = cplx or False
b1 = None
# Set job for fortran routines
_job = (eigvals_only and 'N') or 'V'
# port eigenvalue range from python to fortran convention
if eigvals is not None:
lo, hi = eigvals
if lo < 0 or hi >= a1.shape[0]:
raise ValueError('The eigenvalue range specified is not valid.\n'
'Valid range is [%s,%s]' % (0, a1.shape[0]-1))
lo += 1
hi += 1
eigvals = (lo, hi)
# set lower
if lower:
uplo = 'L'
uplo = 'U'
# fix prefix for lapack routines
if cplx:
pfx = 'he'
pfx = 'sy'
# Standard Eigenvalue Problem
# Use '*evr' routines
# FIXME: implement calculation of optimal lwork
# for all lapack routines
if b1 is None:
driver = pfx+'evr'
(evr,) = get_lapack_funcs((driver,), (a1,))
if eigvals is None:
w, v, info = evr(a1, uplo=uplo, jobz=_job, range="A", il=1,
iu=a1.shape[0], overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
(lo, hi) = eigvals
w_tot, v, info = evr(a1, uplo=uplo, jobz=_job, range="I",
il=lo, iu=hi, overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
w = w_tot[0:hi-lo+1]
# Generalized Eigenvalue Problem
# Use '*gvx' routines if range is specified
if eigvals is not None:
driver = pfx+'gvx'
(gvx,) = get_lapack_funcs((driver,), (a1, b1))
(lo, hi) = eigvals
w_tot, v, ifail, info = gvx(a1, b1, uplo=uplo, iu=hi,
itype=type, jobz=_job, il=lo,
w = w_tot[0:hi-lo+1]
# Use '*gvd' routine if turbo is on and no eigvals are specified
elif turbo:
driver = pfx+'gvd'
(gvd,) = get_lapack_funcs((driver,), (a1, b1))
v, w, info = gvd(a1, b1, uplo=uplo, itype=type, jobz=_job,
# Use '*gv' routine if turbo is off and no eigvals are specified
driver = pfx+'gv'
(gv,) = get_lapack_funcs((driver,), (a1, b1))
v, w, info = gv(a1, b1, uplo=uplo, itype=type, jobz=_job,
# Check if we had a successful exit
if info == 0:
if eigvals_only:
return w
return w, v
_check_info(info, driver, positive=False) # triage more specifically
if info > 0 and b1 is None:
raise LinAlgError("unrecoverable internal error.")
# The algorithm failed to converge.
elif 0 < info <= b1.shape[0]:
if eigvals is not None:
raise LinAlgError("the eigenvectors %s failed to"
" converge." % nonzero(ifail)-1)
raise LinAlgError("internal fortran routine failed to converge: "
"%i off-diagonal elements of an "
"intermediate tridiagonal form did not converge"
" to zero." % info)
# This occurs when b is not positive definite
raise LinAlgError("the leading minor of order %i"
" of 'b' is not positive definite. The"
" factorization of 'b' could not be completed"
" and no eigenvalues or eigenvectors were"
" computed." % (info-b1.shape[0]))
_conv_dict = {0: 0, 1: 1, 2: 2,
'all': 0, 'value': 1, 'index': 2,
'a': 0, 'v': 1, 'i': 2}
def _check_select(select, select_range, max_ev, max_len):
"""Check that select is valid, convert to Fortran style."""
if isinstance(select, string_types):
select = select.lower()
select = _conv_dict[select]
except KeyError:
raise ValueError('invalid argument for select')
vl, vu = 0., 1.
il = iu = 1
if select != 0: # (non-all)
sr = asarray(select_range)
if sr.ndim != 1 or sr.size != 2 or sr[1] < sr[0]:
raise ValueError('select_range must be a 2-element array-like '
'in nondecreasing order')
if select == 1: # (value)
vl, vu = sr
if max_ev == 0:
max_ev = max_len
else: # 2 (index)
if sr.dtype.char.lower() not in 'hilqp':
raise ValueError('when using select="i", select_range must '
'contain integers, got dtype %s (%s)'
% (sr.dtype, sr.dtype.char))
# translate Python (0 ... N-1) into Fortran (1 ... N) with + 1
il, iu = sr + 1
if min(il, iu) < 1 or max(il, iu) > max_len:
raise ValueError('select_range out of bounds')
max_ev = iu - il + 1
return select, vl, vu, il, iu, max_ev
def eig_banded(a_band, lower=False, eigvals_only=False, overwrite_a_band=False,
select='a', select_range=None, max_ev=0, check_finite=True):
Solve real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix eigenvalue problem.
Find eigenvalues w and optionally right eigenvectors v of a::
a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
v.H v = identity
The matrix a is stored in a_band either in lower diagonal or upper
diagonal ordered form:
a_band[u + i - j, j] == a[i,j] (if upper form; i <= j)
a_band[ i - j, j] == a[i,j] (if lower form; i >= j)
where u is the number of bands above the diagonal.
Example of a_band (shape of a is (6,6), u=2)::
upper form:
* * a02 a13 a24 a35
* a01 a12 a23 a34 a45
a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55
lower form:
a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55
a10 a21 a32 a43 a54 *
a20 a31 a42 a53 * *
Cells marked with * are not used.
a_band : (u+1, M) array_like
The bands of the M by M matrix a.
lower : bool, optional
Is the matrix in the lower form. (Default is upper form)
eigvals_only : bool, optional
Compute only the eigenvalues and no eigenvectors.
(Default: calculate also eigenvectors)
overwrite_a_band : bool, optional
Discard data in a_band (may enhance performance)
select : {'a', 'v', 'i'}, optional
Which eigenvalues to calculate
====== ========================================
select calculated
====== ========================================
'a' All eigenvalues
'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max]
'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max
====== ========================================
select_range : (min, max), optional
Range of selected eigenvalues
max_ev : int, optional
For select=='v', maximum number of eigenvalues expected.
For other values of select, has no meaning.
In doubt, leave this parameter untouched.
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
w : (M,) ndarray
The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its
v : (M, M) float or complex ndarray
The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue w[i] is
the column v[:,i].
If eigenvalue computation does not converge.
See Also
eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices
eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays.
eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays
eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for
symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices
>>> from scipy.linalg import eig_banded
>>> A = np.array([[1, 5, 2, 0], [5, 2, 5, 2], [2, 5, 3, 5], [0, 2, 5, 4]])
>>> Ab = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 0], [2, 2, 0, 0]])
>>> w, v = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True)
>>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4)))
>>> w = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True, eigvals_only=True)
>>> w
array([-4.26200532, -2.22987175, 3.95222349, 12.53965359])
Request only the eigenvalues between ``[-3, 4]``
>>> w, v = eig_banded(Ab, lower=True, select='v', select_range=[-3, 4])
>>> w
array([-2.22987175, 3.95222349])
if eigvals_only or overwrite_a_band:
a1 = _asarray_validated(a_band, check_finite=check_finite)
overwrite_a_band = overwrite_a_band or (_datacopied(a1, a_band))
a1 = array(a_band)
if issubclass(a1.dtype.type, inexact) and not isfinite(a1).all():
raise ValueError("array must not contain infs or NaNs")
overwrite_a_band = 1
if len(a1.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError('expected two-dimensional array')
select, vl, vu, il, iu, max_ev = _check_select(
select, select_range, max_ev, a1.shape[1])
del select_range
if select == 0:
if a1.dtype.char in 'GFD':
# FIXME: implement this somewhen, for now go with builtin values
# FIXME: calc optimal lwork by calling ?hbevd(lwork=-1)
# or by using calc_lwork.f ???
# lwork = calc_lwork.hbevd(bevd.typecode, a1.shape[0], lower)
internal_name = 'hbevd'
else: # a1.dtype.char in 'fd':
# FIXME: implement this somewhen, for now go with builtin values
# see above
# lwork = calc_lwork.sbevd(bevd.typecode, a1.shape[0], lower)
internal_name = 'sbevd'
bevd, = get_lapack_funcs((internal_name,), (a1,))
w, v, info = bevd(a1, compute_v=not eigvals_only,
lower=lower, overwrite_ab=overwrite_a_band)
else: # select in [1, 2]
if eigvals_only:
max_ev = 1
# calculate optimal abstol for dsbevx (see manpage)
if a1.dtype.char in 'fF': # single precision
lamch, = get_lapack_funcs(('lamch',), (array(0, dtype='f'),))
lamch, = get_lapack_funcs(('lamch',), (array(0, dtype='d'),))
abstol = 2 * lamch('s')
if a1.dtype.char in 'GFD':
internal_name = 'hbevx'
else: # a1.dtype.char in 'gfd'
internal_name = 'sbevx'
bevx, = get_lapack_funcs((internal_name,), (a1,))
w, v, m, ifail, info = bevx(
a1, vl, vu, il, iu, compute_v=not eigvals_only, mmax=max_ev,
range=select, lower=lower, overwrite_ab=overwrite_a_band,
# crop off w and v
w = w[:m]
if not eigvals_only:
v = v[:, :m]
_check_info(info, internal_name)
if eigvals_only:
return w
return w, v
def eigvals(a, b=None, overwrite_a=False, check_finite=True,
Compute eigenvalues from an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem.
Find eigenvalues of a general matrix::
a vr[:,i] = w[i] b vr[:,i]
a : (M, M) array_like
A complex or real matrix whose eigenvalues and eigenvectors
will be computed.
b : (M, M) array_like, optional
Right-hand side matrix in a generalized eigenvalue problem.
If omitted, identity matrix is assumed.
overwrite_a : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in a (may improve performance)
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities
or NaNs.
homogeneous_eigvals : bool, optional
If True, return the eigenvalues in homogeneous coordinates.
In this case ``w`` is a (2, M) array so that::
w[1,i] a vr[:,i] = w[0,i] b vr[:,i]
Default is False.
w : (M,) or (2, M) double or complex ndarray
The eigenvalues, each repeated according to its multiplicity
but not in any specific order. The shape is (M,) unless
If eigenvalue computation does not converge
See Also
eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors of general arrays.
eigvalsh : eigenvalues of symmetric or Hermitian arrays
eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices
eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> a = np.array([[0., -1.], [1., 0.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a)
array([0.+1.j, 0.-1.j])
>>> b = np.array([[0., 1.], [1., 1.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a, b)
array([ 1.+0.j, -1.+0.j])
>>> a = np.array([[3., 0., 0.], [0., 8., 0.], [0., 0., 7.]])
>>> linalg.eigvals(a, homogeneous_eigvals=True)
array([[3.+0.j, 8.+0.j, 7.+0.j],
[1.+0.j, 1.+0.j, 1.+0.j]])
return eig(a, b=b, left=0, right=0, overwrite_a=overwrite_a,
def eigvalsh(a, b=None, lower=True, overwrite_a=False,
overwrite_b=False, turbo=True, eigvals=None, type=1,
Solve an ordinary or generalized eigenvalue problem for a complex
Hermitian or real symmetric matrix.
Find eigenvalues w of matrix a, where b is positive definite::
a v[:,i] = w[i] b v[:,i]
v[i,:].conj() a v[:,i] = w[i]
v[i,:].conj() b v[:,i] = 1
a : (M, M) array_like
A complex Hermitian or real symmetric matrix whose eigenvalues and
eigenvectors will be computed.
b : (M, M) array_like, optional
A complex Hermitian or real symmetric definite positive matrix in.
If omitted, identity matrix is assumed.
lower : bool, optional
Whether the pertinent array data is taken from the lower or upper
triangle of `a`. (Default: lower)
turbo : bool, optional
Use divide and conquer algorithm (faster but expensive in memory,
only for generalized eigenvalue problem and if eigvals=None)
eigvals : tuple (lo, hi), optional
Indexes of the smallest and largest (in ascending order) eigenvalues
and corresponding eigenvectors to be returned: 0 <= lo < hi <= M-1.
If omitted, all eigenvalues and eigenvectors are returned.
type : int, optional
Specifies the problem type to be solved:
type = 1: a v[:,i] = w[i] b v[:,i]
type = 2: a b v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
type = 3: b a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
overwrite_a : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in `a` (may improve performance)
overwrite_b : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite data in `b` (may improve performance)
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrices contain only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
w : (N,) float ndarray
The N (1<=N<=M) selected eigenvalues, in ascending order, each
repeated according to its multiplicity.
If eigenvalue computation does not converge,
an error occurred, or b matrix is not definite positive. Note that
if input matrices are not symmetric or hermitian, no error is reported
but results will be wrong.
See Also
eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays
eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays
eigvals_banded : eigenvalues for symmetric/Hermitian band matrices
eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal
This function does not check the input array for being hermitian/symmetric
in order to allow for representing arrays with only their upper/lower
triangular parts.
>>> from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh
>>> A = np.array([[6, 3, 1, 5], [3, 0, 5, 1], [1, 5, 6, 2], [5, 1, 2, 2]])
>>> w = eigvalsh(A)
>>> w
array([-3.74637491, -0.76263923, 6.08502336, 12.42399079])
return eigh(a, b=b, lower=lower, eigvals_only=True,
overwrite_a=overwrite_a, overwrite_b=overwrite_b,
turbo=turbo, eigvals=eigvals, type=type,
def eigvals_banded(a_band, lower=False, overwrite_a_band=False,
select='a', select_range=None, check_finite=True):
Solve real symmetric or complex hermitian band matrix eigenvalue problem.
Find eigenvalues w of a::
a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
v.H v = identity
The matrix a is stored in a_band either in lower diagonal or upper
diagonal ordered form:
a_band[u + i - j, j] == a[i,j] (if upper form; i <= j)
a_band[ i - j, j] == a[i,j] (if lower form; i >= j)
where u is the number of bands above the diagonal.
Example of a_band (shape of a is (6,6), u=2)::
upper form:
* * a02 a13 a24 a35
* a01 a12 a23 a34 a45
a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55
lower form:
a00 a11 a22 a33 a44 a55
a10 a21 a32 a43 a54 *
a20 a31 a42 a53 * *
Cells marked with * are not used.
a_band : (u+1, M) array_like
The bands of the M by M matrix a.
lower : bool, optional
Is the matrix in the lower form. (Default is upper form)
overwrite_a_band : bool, optional
Discard data in a_band (may enhance performance)
select : {'a', 'v', 'i'}, optional
Which eigenvalues to calculate
====== ========================================
select calculated
====== ========================================
'a' All eigenvalues
'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max]
'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max
====== ========================================
select_range : (min, max), optional
Range of selected eigenvalues
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
w : (M,) ndarray
The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its
If eigenvalue computation does not converge.
See Also
eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian
band matrices
eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal
eigvals : eigenvalues of general arrays
eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays
eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
>>> from scipy.linalg import eigvals_banded
>>> A = np.array([[1, 5, 2, 0], [5, 2, 5, 2], [2, 5, 3, 5], [0, 2, 5, 4]])
>>> Ab = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 5, 5, 0], [2, 2, 0, 0]])
>>> w = eigvals_banded(Ab, lower=True)
>>> w
array([-4.26200532, -2.22987175, 3.95222349, 12.53965359])
return eig_banded(a_band, lower=lower, eigvals_only=1,
overwrite_a_band=overwrite_a_band, select=select,
select_range=select_range, check_finite=check_finite)
def eigvalsh_tridiagonal(d, e, select='a', select_range=None,
check_finite=True, tol=0., lapack_driver='auto'):
Solve eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
Find eigenvalues `w` of ``a``::
a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
v.H v = identity
For a real symmetric matrix ``a`` with diagonal elements `d` and
off-diagonal elements `e`.
d : ndarray, shape (ndim,)
The diagonal elements of the array.
e : ndarray, shape (ndim-1,)
The off-diagonal elements of the array.
select : {'a', 'v', 'i'}, optional
Which eigenvalues to calculate
====== ========================================
select calculated
====== ========================================
'a' All eigenvalues
'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max]
'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max
====== ========================================
select_range : (min, max), optional
Range of selected eigenvalues
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
tol : float
The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required
(only used when ``lapack_driver='stebz'``).
An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it
lies in an interval of this width. If <= 0. (default),
the value ``eps*|a|`` is used where eps is the machine precision,
and ``|a|`` is the 1-norm of the matrix ``a``.
lapack_driver : str
LAPACK function to use, can be 'auto', 'stemr', 'stebz', 'sterf',
or 'stev'. When 'auto' (default), it will use 'stemr' if ``select='a'``
and 'stebz' otherwise. 'sterf' and 'stev' can only be used when
w : (M,) ndarray
The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its
If eigenvalue computation does not converge.
See Also
eigh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues and right eiegenvectors for
symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal matrices
>>> from scipy.linalg import eigvalsh_tridiagonal, eigvalsh
>>> d = 3*np.ones(4)
>>> e = -1*np.ones(3)
>>> w = eigvalsh_tridiagonal(d, e)
>>> A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(e, k=1) + np.diag(e, k=-1)
>>> w2 = eigvalsh(A) # Verify with other eigenvalue routines
>>> np.allclose(w - w2, np.zeros(4))
return eigh_tridiagonal(
d, e, eigvals_only=True, select=select, select_range=select_range,
check_finite=check_finite, tol=tol, lapack_driver=lapack_driver)
def eigh_tridiagonal(d, e, eigvals_only=False, select='a', select_range=None,
check_finite=True, tol=0., lapack_driver='auto'):
Solve eigenvalue problem for a real symmetric tridiagonal matrix.
Find eigenvalues `w` and optionally right eigenvectors `v` of ``a``::
a v[:,i] = w[i] v[:,i]
v.H v = identity
For a real symmetric matrix ``a`` with diagonal elements `d` and
off-diagonal elements `e`.
d : ndarray, shape (ndim,)
The diagonal elements of the array.
e : ndarray, shape (ndim-1,)
The off-diagonal elements of the array.
select : {'a', 'v', 'i'}, optional
Which eigenvalues to calculate
====== ========================================
select calculated
====== ========================================
'a' All eigenvalues
'v' Eigenvalues in the interval (min, max]
'i' Eigenvalues with indices min <= i <= max
====== ========================================
select_range : (min, max), optional
Range of selected eigenvalues
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
tol : float
The absolute tolerance to which each eigenvalue is required
(only used when 'stebz' is the `lapack_driver`).
An eigenvalue (or cluster) is considered to have converged if it
lies in an interval of this width. If <= 0. (default),
the value ``eps*|a|`` is used where eps is the machine precision,
and ``|a|`` is the 1-norm of the matrix ``a``.
lapack_driver : str
LAPACK function to use, can be 'auto', 'stemr', 'stebz', 'sterf',
or 'stev'. When 'auto' (default), it will use 'stemr' if ``select='a'``
and 'stebz' otherwise. When 'stebz' is used to find the eigenvalues and
``eigvals_only=False``, then a second LAPACK call (to ``?STEIN``) is
used to find the corresponding eigenvectors. 'sterf' can only be
used when ``eigvals_only=True`` and ``select='a'``. 'stev' can only
be used when ``select='a'``.
w : (M,) ndarray
The eigenvalues, in ascending order, each repeated according to its
v : (M, M) ndarray
The normalized eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue ``w[i]`` is
the column ``v[:,i]``.
If eigenvalue computation does not converge.
See Also
eigvalsh_tridiagonal : eigenvalues of symmetric/Hermitian tridiagonal
eig : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
eigh : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian arrays
eig_banded : eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for symmetric/Hermitian
band matrices
This function makes use of LAPACK ``S/DSTEMR`` routines.
>>> from scipy.linalg import eigh_tridiagonal
>>> d = 3*np.ones(4)
>>> e = -1*np.ones(3)
>>> w, v = eigh_tridiagonal(d, e)
>>> A = np.diag(d) + np.diag(e, k=1) + np.diag(e, k=-1)
>>> np.allclose(A @ v - v @ np.diag(w), np.zeros((4, 4)))
d = _asarray_validated(d, check_finite=check_finite)
e = _asarray_validated(e, check_finite=check_finite)
for check in (d, e):
if check.ndim != 1:
raise ValueError('expected one-dimensional array')
if check.dtype.char in 'GFD': # complex
raise TypeError('Only real arrays currently supported')
if d.size != e.size + 1:
raise ValueError('d (%s) must have one more element than e (%s)'
% (d.size, e.size))
select, vl, vu, il, iu, _ = _check_select(
select, select_range, 0, d.size)
if not isinstance(lapack_driver, string_types):
raise TypeError('lapack_driver must be str')
drivers = ('auto', 'stemr', 'sterf', 'stebz', 'stev')
if lapack_driver not in drivers:
raise ValueError('lapack_driver must be one of %s, got %s'
% (drivers, lapack_driver))
if lapack_driver == 'auto':
lapack_driver = 'stemr' if select == 0 else 'stebz'
func, = get_lapack_funcs((lapack_driver,), (d, e))
compute_v = not eigvals_only
if lapack_driver == 'sterf':
if select != 0:
raise ValueError('sterf can only be used when select == "a"')
if not eigvals_only:
raise ValueError('sterf can only be used when eigvals_only is '
w, info = func(d, e)
m = len(w)
elif lapack_driver == 'stev':
if select != 0:
raise ValueError('stev can only be used when select == "a"')
w, v, info = func(d, e, compute_v=compute_v)
m = len(w)
elif lapack_driver == 'stebz':
tol = float(tol)
internal_name = 'stebz'
stebz, = get_lapack_funcs((internal_name,), (d, e))
# If getting eigenvectors, needs to be block-ordered (B) instead of
# matirx-ordered (E), and we will reorder later
order = 'E' if eigvals_only else 'B'
m, w, iblock, isplit, info = stebz(d, e, select, vl, vu, il, iu, tol,
else: # 'stemr'
# ?STEMR annoyingly requires size N instead of N-1
e_ = empty(e.size+1, e.dtype)
e_[:-1] = e
stemr_lwork, = get_lapack_funcs(('stemr_lwork',), (d, e))
lwork, liwork, info = stemr_lwork(d, e_, select, vl, vu, il, iu,
_check_info(info, 'stemr_lwork')
m, w, v, info = func(d, e_, select, vl, vu, il, iu,
compute_v=compute_v, lwork=lwork, liwork=liwork)
_check_info(info, lapack_driver + ' (eigh_tridiagonal)')
w = w[:m]
if eigvals_only:
return w
# Do we still need to compute the eigenvalues?
if lapack_driver == 'stebz':
func, = get_lapack_funcs(('stein',), (d, e))
v, info = func(d, e, w, iblock, isplit)
_check_info(info, 'stein (eigh_tridiagonal)',
positive='%d eigenvectors failed to converge')
# Convert block-order to matrix-order
order = argsort(w)
w, v = w[order], v[:, order]
v = v[:, :m]
return w, v
def _check_info(info, driver, positive='did not converge (LAPACK info=%d)'):
"""Check info return value."""
if info < 0:
raise ValueError('illegal value in argument %d of internal %s'
% (-info, driver))
if info > 0 and positive:
raise LinAlgError(("%s " + positive) % (driver, info,))
def hessenberg(a, calc_q=False, overwrite_a=False, check_finite=True):
Compute Hessenberg form of a matrix.
The Hessenberg decomposition is::
A = Q H Q^H
where `Q` is unitary/orthogonal and `H` has only zero elements below
the first sub-diagonal.
a : (M, M) array_like
Matrix to bring into Hessenberg form.
calc_q : bool, optional
Whether to compute the transformation matrix. Default is False.
overwrite_a : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite `a`; may improve performance.
Default is False.
check_finite : bool, optional
Whether to check that the input matrix contains only finite numbers.
Disabling may give a performance gain, but may result in problems
(crashes, non-termination) if the inputs do contain infinities or NaNs.
H : (M, M) ndarray
Hessenberg form of `a`.
Q : (M, M) ndarray
Unitary/orthogonal similarity transformation matrix ``A = Q H Q^H``.
Only returned if ``calc_q=True``.
>>> from scipy.linalg import hessenberg
>>> A = np.array([[2, 5, 8, 7], [5, 2, 2, 8], [7, 5, 6, 6], [5, 4, 4, 8]])
>>> H, Q = hessenberg(A, calc_q=True)
>>> H
array([[ 2. , -11.65843866, 1.42005301, 0.25349066],
[ -9.94987437, 14.53535354, -5.31022304, 2.43081618],
[ 0. , -1.83299243, 0.38969961, -0.51527034],
[ 0. , 0. , -3.83189513, 1.07494686]])
>>> np.allclose(Q @ H @ Q.conj().T - A, np.zeros((4, 4)))
a1 = _asarray_validated(a, check_finite=check_finite)
if len(a1.shape) != 2 or (a1.shape[0] != a1.shape[1]):
raise ValueError('expected square matrix')
overwrite_a = overwrite_a or (_datacopied(a1, a))
# if 2x2 or smaller: already in Hessenberg
if a1.shape[0] <= 2:
if calc_q:
return a1, numpy.eye(a1.shape[0])
return a1
gehrd, gebal, gehrd_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(('gehrd', 'gebal',
'gehrd_lwork'), (a1,))
ba, lo, hi, pivscale, info = gebal(a1, permute=0, overwrite_a=overwrite_a)
_check_info(info, 'gebal (hessenberg)', positive=False)
n = len(a1)
lwork = _compute_lwork(gehrd_lwork, ba.shape[0], lo=lo, hi=hi)
hq, tau, info = gehrd(ba, lo=lo, hi=hi, lwork=lwork, overwrite_a=1)
_check_info(info, 'gehrd (hessenberg)', positive=False)
h = numpy.triu(hq, -1)
if not calc_q:
return h
# use orghr/unghr to compute q
orghr, orghr_lwork = get_lapack_funcs(('orghr', 'orghr_lwork'), (a1,))
lwork = _compute_lwork(orghr_lwork, n, lo=lo, hi=hi)
q, info = orghr(a=hq, tau=tau, lo=lo, hi=hi, lwork=lwork, overwrite_a=1)
_check_info(info, 'orghr (hessenberg)', positive=False)
return h, q
def cdf2rdf(w, v):
Converts complex eigenvalues ``w`` and eigenvectors ``v`` to real
eigenvalues in a block diagonal form ``wr`` and the associated real
eigenvectors ``vr``, such that::
vr @ wr = X @ vr
continues to hold, where ``X`` is the original array for which ``w`` and
``v`` are the eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.0
w : (..., M) array_like
Complex or real eigenvalues, an array or stack of arrays
Conjugate pairs must not be interleaved, else the wrong result
will be produced. So ``[1+1j, 1, 1-1j]`` will give a correct result, but
``[1+1j, 2+1j, 1-1j, 2-1j]`` will not.
v : (..., M, M) array_like
Complex or real eigenvectors, a square array or stack of square arrays.
wr : (..., M, M) ndarray
Real diagonal block form of eigenvalues
vr : (..., M, M) ndarray
Real eigenvectors associated with ``wr``
See Also
eig : Eigenvalues and right eigenvectors for non-symmetric arrays
rsf2csf : Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form
``w``, ``v`` must be the eigenstructure for some *real* matrix ``X``.
For example, obtained by ``w, v = scipy.linalg.eig(X)`` or
``w, v = numpy.linalg.eig(X)`` in which case ``X`` can also represent
stacked arrays.
.. versionadded:: 1.1.0
>>> X = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [0, 4, 5], [0, -5, 4]])
>>> X
array([[ 1, 2, 3],
[ 0, 4, 5],
[ 0, -5, 4]])
>>> from scipy import linalg
>>> w, v = linalg.eig(X)
>>> w
array([ 1.+0.j, 4.+5.j, 4.-5.j])
>>> v
array([[ 1.00000+0.j , -0.01906-0.40016j, -0.01906+0.40016j],
[ 0.00000+0.j , 0.00000-0.64788j, 0.00000+0.64788j],
[ 0.00000+0.j , 0.64788+0.j , 0.64788-0.j ]])
>>> wr, vr = linalg.cdf2rdf(w, v)
>>> wr
array([[ 1., 0., 0.],
[ 0., 4., 5.],
[ 0., -5., 4.]])
>>> vr
array([[ 1. , 0.40016, -0.01906],
[ 0. , 0.64788, 0. ],
[ 0. , 0. , 0.64788]])
>>> vr @ wr
array([[ 1. , 1.69593, 1.9246 ],
[ 0. , 2.59153, 3.23942],
[ 0. , -3.23942, 2.59153]])
>>> X @ vr
array([[ 1. , 1.69593, 1.9246 ],
[ 0. , 2.59153, 3.23942],
[ 0. , -3.23942, 2.59153]])
w, v = _asarray_validated(w), _asarray_validated(v)
# check dimensions
if w.ndim < 1:
raise ValueError('expected w to be at least one-dimensional')
if v.ndim < 2:
raise ValueError('expected v to be at least two-dimensional')
if v.ndim != w.ndim + 1:
raise ValueError('expected eigenvectors array to have exactly one '
'dimension more than eigenvalues array')
# check shapes
n = w.shape[-1]
M = w.shape[:-1]
if v.shape[-2] != v.shape[-1]:
raise ValueError('expected v to be a square matrix or stacked square '
'matrices: v.shape[-2] = v.shape[-1]')
if v.shape[-1] != n:
raise ValueError('expected the same number of eigenvalues as '
# get indices for each first pair of complex eigenvalues
complex_mask = iscomplex(w)
n_complex = complex_mask.sum(axis=-1)
# check if all complex eigenvalues have conjugate pairs
if not (n_complex % 2 == 0).all():
raise ValueError('expected complex-conjugate pairs of eigenvalues')
# find complex indices
idx = nonzero(complex_mask)
idx_stack = idx[:-1]
idx_elem = idx[-1]
# filter them to conjugate indices, assuming pairs are not interleaved
j = idx_elem[0::2]
k = idx_elem[1::2]
stack_ind = ()
for i in idx_stack:
# should never happen, assuming nonzero orders by the last axis
assert (i[0::2] == i[1::2]).all(), "Conjugate pair spanned different arrays!"
stack_ind += (i[0::2],)
# all eigenvalues to diagonal form
wr = zeros(M + (n, n), dtype=w.real.dtype)
di = range(n)
wr[..., di, di] = w.real
# complex eigenvalues to real block diagonal form
wr[stack_ind + (j, k)] = w[stack_ind + (j,)].imag
wr[stack_ind + (k, j)] = w[stack_ind + (k,)].imag
# compute real eigenvectors associated with real block diagonal eigenvalues
u = zeros(M + (n, n), dtype=numpy.cdouble)
u[..., di, di] = 1.0
u[stack_ind + (j, j)] = 0.5j
u[stack_ind + (j, k)] = 0.5
u[stack_ind + (k, j)] = -0.5j
u[stack_ind + (k, k)] = 0.5
# multipy matrices v and u (equivalent to v @ u)
vr = einsum('...ij,...jk->...ik', v, u).real
return wr, vr