...a space for Angeliki Diakrousi to unpack thoughts and sounds on amplification and collective voices


'Revisiting podcasts' questions the establishment of authoritative/male voices that create exclusive speech platforms, along the assumption that voices have to be rational, authoritative (voice of expertise) etc. The intervention that changes the paradigm becomes a set of podcasts that revisit the sound material produced in situated amplification meetings and soundwalks. Every podcast includes the previous one, on a way that creates repetetive layers of the same material. Creating presence by repetetion.'Revisiting podcasts' are upsetting binaries such as male/female, expert/amateur, rational/irrational

This is an audio zine on amplification of female and collective voices
Listen to the latest podcast:
00:00:10,560 A woman speaks in Indonesian
00:00:24,380 Another woman responds back to her
00:00:28,360 By repeating only the vowels of what the previous woman said
00:00:58,400 This process continues to more people that are gathered together in a circle at Leeszaal
00:01:55,260 A woman once told me
00:02:00,620 That when she was a child
00:02:04,980 She would speak to her mother in Dutch and her mother would reply back to her in Surinamese
00:02:14,700 Their communication would go on like that
00:02:18,940 The child was like a channel
00:02:22,720 Like also her mother. The one would refuse to talk in one common language to the other.
00:02:32,620 But this process of translation happening inside their head...
00:02:40,100 is mediating and filtrating their speech through each others bodies
00:03:08,240 In ancient medical and anatomical theory women have two mouths, the upper and the lower, connected through neck
00:03:29,720 The lips of both these mouths guarded a hollow cavity and they had to remain closed
00:03:38,520 Having two mouths that speak simultaneously is confusing and embarrassing and this creates cacophony
00:03:49,320 Females were expressing something directly when it should have been said indirectly
00:04:54,900 In the end of this process this group of people sang together all the vowels they had transcribed
00:05:09,460 With a small delay of synchronization they tried to sing at the same time
00:05:37,580 In Ancient Greece there was a high-pitch utterance of women , called ololyga...
00:05:47,560 which was a ritual practice dedicated to important events in life...
00:05:55,020 such as like the birth of a child or the death of a person...
00:06:00,700 and this was considered a pollution for civic space
00:06:33,460 If expressed in public they would create chaos and provoke madness
00:07:07,460 Here you listen Angela Davis speak in Occupy Wall Street
00:07:32,400 People here act like a human microphone. They repeat all together what Angela Davis says...
00:07:42,880 in order she could be heard more far away in the square...
00:07:53,260 in order to amplify her voice, because amplification devices were not permitted
00:08:01,820 Vowels allow us to occupy space
00:08:03,820 Vowels vibrate us
00:08:05,820 Vowels is the common space between our languages
00:08:06,680 A similar example with Judith Butler speaking in Occupy Wall Street Vowels is the common space between our languages
00:08:07,820 Vowels make us louder and bigger A similar example with Judith Butler speaking in Occupy Wall Street
00:08:09,160 Vowels make us louder and bigger
"; ?>
sample_rate: 44100
duration: 534.857143
title: transformation for presence
narrator: angeliki
topic: female voice to male
filename: podcasts/podcast.20190501-1223-femalemale.mp3
format_name: mp3
size: 8558073