"""Byrd-Omojokun Trust-Region SQP method.""" from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import from scipy.sparse import eye as speye from .projections import projections from .qp_subproblem import modified_dogleg, projected_cg, box_intersections import numpy as np from numpy.linalg import norm __all__ = ['equality_constrained_sqp'] def default_scaling(x): n, = np.shape(x) return speye(n) def equality_constrained_sqp(fun_and_constr, grad_and_jac, lagr_hess, x0, fun0, grad0, constr0, jac0, stop_criteria, state, initial_penalty, initial_trust_radius, factorization_method, trust_lb=None, trust_ub=None, scaling=default_scaling): """Solve nonlinear equality-constrained problem using trust-region SQP. Solve optimization problem: minimize fun(x) subject to: constr(x) = 0 using Byrd-Omojokun Trust-Region SQP method described in [1]_. Several implementation details are based on [2]_ and [3]_, p. 549. References ---------- .. [1] Lalee, Marucha, Jorge Nocedal, and Todd Plantenga. "On the implementation of an algorithm for large-scale equality constrained optimization." SIAM Journal on Optimization 8.3 (1998): 682-706. .. [2] Byrd, Richard H., Mary E. Hribar, and Jorge Nocedal. "An interior point algorithm for large-scale nonlinear programming." SIAM Journal on Optimization 9.4 (1999): 877-900. .. [3] Nocedal, Jorge, and Stephen J. Wright. "Numerical optimization" Second Edition (2006). """ PENALTY_FACTOR = 0.3 # Rho from formula (3.51), reference [2]_, p.891. LARGE_REDUCTION_RATIO = 0.9 INTERMEDIARY_REDUCTION_RATIO = 0.3 SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO = 1e-8 # Eta from reference [2]_, p.892. TRUST_ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR_L = 7.0 TRUST_ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR_S = 2.0 MAX_TRUST_REDUCTION = 0.5 MIN_TRUST_REDUCTION = 0.1 SOC_THRESHOLD = 0.1 TR_FACTOR = 0.8 # Zeta from formula (3.21), reference [2]_, p.885. BOX_FACTOR = 0.5 n, = np.shape(x0) # Number of parameters # Set default lower and upper bounds. if trust_lb is None: trust_lb = np.full(n, -np.inf) if trust_ub is None: trust_ub = np.full(n, np.inf) # Initial values x = np.copy(x0) trust_radius = initial_trust_radius penalty = initial_penalty # Compute Values f = fun0 c = grad0 b = constr0 A = jac0 S = scaling(x) # Get projections Z, LS, Y = projections(A, factorization_method) # Compute least-square lagrange multipliers v = -LS.dot(c) # Compute Hessian H = lagr_hess(x, v) # Update state parameters optimality = norm(c + A.T.dot(v), np.inf) constr_violation = norm(b, np.inf) if len(b) > 0 else 0 cg_info = {'niter': 0, 'stop_cond': 0, 'hits_boundary': False} last_iteration_failed = False while not stop_criteria(state, x, last_iteration_failed, optimality, constr_violation, trust_radius, penalty, cg_info): # Normal Step - `dn` # minimize 1/2*||A dn + b||^2 # subject to: # ||dn|| <= TR_FACTOR * trust_radius # BOX_FACTOR * lb <= dn <= BOX_FACTOR * ub. dn = modified_dogleg(A, Y, b, TR_FACTOR*trust_radius, BOX_FACTOR*trust_lb, BOX_FACTOR*trust_ub) # Tangential Step - `dt` # Solve the QP problem: # minimize 1/2 dt.T H dt + dt.T (H dn + c) # subject to: # A dt = 0 # ||dt|| <= sqrt(trust_radius**2 - ||dn||**2) # lb - dn <= dt <= ub - dn c_t = H.dot(dn) + c b_t = np.zeros_like(b) trust_radius_t = np.sqrt(trust_radius**2 - np.linalg.norm(dn)**2) lb_t = trust_lb - dn ub_t = trust_ub - dn dt, cg_info = projected_cg(H, c_t, Z, Y, b_t, trust_radius_t, lb_t, ub_t) # Compute update (normal + tangential steps). d = dn + dt # Compute second order model: 1/2 d H d + c.T d + f. quadratic_model = 1/2*(H.dot(d)).dot(d) + c.T.dot(d) # Compute linearized constraint: l = A d + b. linearized_constr = A.dot(d)+b # Compute new penalty parameter according to formula (3.52), # reference [2]_, p.891. vpred = norm(b) - norm(linearized_constr) # Guarantee `vpred` always positive, # regardless of roundoff errors. vpred = max(1e-16, vpred) previous_penalty = penalty if quadratic_model > 0: new_penalty = quadratic_model / ((1-PENALTY_FACTOR)*vpred) penalty = max(penalty, new_penalty) # Compute predicted reduction according to formula (3.52), # reference [2]_, p.891. predicted_reduction = -quadratic_model + penalty*vpred # Compute merit function at current point merit_function = f + penalty*norm(b) # Evaluate function and constraints at trial point x_next = x + S.dot(d) f_next, b_next = fun_and_constr(x_next) # Compute merit function at trial point merit_function_next = f_next + penalty*norm(b_next) # Compute actual reduction according to formula (3.54), # reference [2]_, p.892. actual_reduction = merit_function - merit_function_next # Compute reduction ratio reduction_ratio = actual_reduction / predicted_reduction # Second order correction (SOC), reference [2]_, p.892. if reduction_ratio < SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO and \ norm(dn) <= SOC_THRESHOLD * norm(dt): # Compute second order correction y = -Y.dot(b_next) # Make sure increment is inside box constraints _, t, intersect = box_intersections(d, y, trust_lb, trust_ub) # Compute tentative point x_soc = x + S.dot(d + t*y) f_soc, b_soc = fun_and_constr(x_soc) # Recompute actual reduction merit_function_soc = f_soc + penalty*norm(b_soc) actual_reduction_soc = merit_function - merit_function_soc # Recompute reduction ratio reduction_ratio_soc = actual_reduction_soc / predicted_reduction if intersect and reduction_ratio_soc >= SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO: x_next = x_soc f_next = f_soc b_next = b_soc reduction_ratio = reduction_ratio_soc # Readjust trust region step, formula (3.55), reference [2]_, p.892. if reduction_ratio >= LARGE_REDUCTION_RATIO: trust_radius = max(TRUST_ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR_L * norm(d), trust_radius) elif reduction_ratio >= INTERMEDIARY_REDUCTION_RATIO: trust_radius = max(TRUST_ENLARGEMENT_FACTOR_S * norm(d), trust_radius) # Reduce trust region step, according to reference [3]_, p.696. elif reduction_ratio < SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO: trust_reduction \ = (1-SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO)/(1-reduction_ratio) new_trust_radius = trust_reduction * norm(d) if new_trust_radius >= MAX_TRUST_REDUCTION * trust_radius: trust_radius *= MAX_TRUST_REDUCTION elif new_trust_radius >= MIN_TRUST_REDUCTION * trust_radius: trust_radius = new_trust_radius else: trust_radius *= MIN_TRUST_REDUCTION # Update iteration if reduction_ratio >= SUFFICIENT_REDUCTION_RATIO: x = x_next f, b = f_next, b_next c, A = grad_and_jac(x) S = scaling(x) # Get projections Z, LS, Y = projections(A, factorization_method) # Compute least-square lagrange multipliers v = -LS.dot(c) # Compute Hessian H = lagr_hess(x, v) # Set Flag last_iteration_failed = False # Otimality values optimality = norm(c + A.T.dot(v), np.inf) constr_violation = norm(b, np.inf) if len(b) > 0 else 0 else: penalty = previous_penalty last_iteration_failed = True return x, state