(function() { var promisifiedOldGUM = function(constraints, successCallback, errorCallback) { // First get ahold of getUserMedia, if present var getUserMedia = (navigator.getUserMedia || navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia || navigator.msGetUserMedia); // Some browsers just don't implement it - return a rejected promise with an error // to keep a consistent interface if(!getUserMedia) { return Promise.reject(new Error('getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser')); } // Otherwise, wrap the call to the old navigator.getUserMedia with a Promise return new Promise(function(successCallback, errorCallback) { getUserMedia.call(navigator, constraints, successCallback, errorCallback); }); } // Older browsers might not implement mediaDevices at all, so we set an empty object first if(navigator.mediaDevices === undefined) { navigator.mediaDevices = {}; } // Some browsers partially implement mediaDevices. We can't just assign an object // with getUserMedia as it would overwrite existing properties. // Here, we will just add the getUserMedia property if it's missing. if(navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia === undefined) { navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia = promisifiedOldGUM; } })();