It is a collection of audio recordings coming from meetings I co-organised, internet sources, podcasts and soundwalks. 'Revisiting podcasts' questions the establishment of authoritative/male voices that create exclusive speech platforms, along the assumption that voices have to be rational, authoritative (voice of expertise) etc. The intervention that changes the paradigm becomes a set of podcasts that revisit the sound material produced in situated amplification meetings and soundwalks. Every podcast includes the previous one, on a way that creates repetetive layers of the same material. Creating presence by repetetion.'Revisiting podcasts' are upsetting binaries such as male/female, expert/amateur, rational/irrational
<astyle="font-size: 28px;margin-right: 90%;"href="#"title="It is a collection of audio recordings coming from meetings I co-organised, internet sources, podcasts and soundwalks. 'Revisiting podcasts' questions the establishment of authoritative/male voices that create exclusive speech platforms, along the assumption that voices have to be rational, authoritative (voice of expertise) etc. The intervention that changes the paradigm becomes a set of podcasts that revisit the sound material produced in situated amplification meetings and soundwalks. Every podcast includes the previous one, on a way that creates repetetive layers of the same material. Creating presence by repetetion.'Revisiting podcasts' are upsetting binaries such as male/female, expert/amateur, rational/irrational">About</a>
<divalign="right"><divstyle="background-color: pink;width: 300px;">questions arisen:<br> how to approach the gender of voice in matter of terminology?<br>how the community outside of institution interacts with the inside of institution?<br>what conflicts or frictions the technical aspect provokes</div></div>
How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, discuss peronal associations, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels. <divclass="tooltip-wrap">First experiments<divclass="tooltip-content-down">ffff</div></div>
How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, discuss peronal associations, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels.
<p>How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, discuss peronal associations, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels.
<aclass="internet"href=""target="popup"onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Angela Davis @Occupy</a>
<aclass="internet"href="" target="popup"onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Angela Davis @Occupy Wall Street</a>
<aclass="internet"href=""target="popup"onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Laurie Anderson - Mach 20</a>
<listyle="list-style: none;">
<aclass="internet"href=""target="popup"onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Ballout, D. (2019) ‘Good Morning, Kafranbel’, This American Life: Wartime Radio</a>
<listyle="list-style: none;">
<aclass="internet"href=""target="popup"onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Vocal performance of Katalin Ladik in the film ‘Berberian Sound Studio’, 2012</a>
How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, discuss peronal associations, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels. <divclass="tooltip-wrap">First experiments<divclass="tooltip-content-down">ffff</div></div>
@ -84,20 +84,69 @@ if (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia) {
console.log("recorder stopped");
vardata=document.getElementById("save").audioURL;// document.getElementById("save").innerHTML;// = xhttp.responseText;; // you have to check how to get the data from your saveAudio() method