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How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices, and trying out vocal exercises.I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal.

- extract extract + extracts

Utterance @@ -36,16 +36,44 @@ -
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@@ -60,7 +88,7 @@

- + diff --git a/project/extracts.html b/project/extracts.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fed4f55 --- /dev/null +++ b/project/extracts.html @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ + + + + +






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+ + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-3.JPG.jpg b/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-3.JPG.jpg index 12eb6f9..f6ef177 100644 Binary files a/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-3.JPG.jpg and b/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-3.JPG.jpg differ diff --git a/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-4.jpg b/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-4.jpg index afdcaca..7cfac51 100644 Binary files a/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-4.jpg and b/project/images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-4.jpg differ diff --git a/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.JPG b/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.JPG deleted file mode 100644 index 81a38f0..0000000 Binary files a/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.JPG and /dev/null differ diff --git a/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.jpg b/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c97c5b8 Binary files /dev/null and b/project/images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.jpg differ diff --git a/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.JPG b/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.JPG deleted file mode 100644 index 40958c7..0000000 Binary files a/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.JPG and /dev/null differ diff --git a/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.jpg b/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.jpg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fee68ac Binary files /dev/null and b/project/images/vowels-20190329-finearts.jpg differ diff --git a/project/overlapping-interface.html b/project/overlapping-interface.html index 4ac7532..17cf0c5 100644 --- a/project/overlapping-interface.html +++ b/project/overlapping-interface.html @@ -1,14 +1,28 @@

Feedback composition


+ Utterance +

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- detail.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; - detail.metaKey = e.metaKey; - var event = new CustomEvent('talGoto', { - detail: detail - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - if ($jp.length) { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - }); - $('.node-act').once('links').each(function() { - var $act = $(this); - $(this).on('click.special', 'a.goto-act', function(e) { - var detail = { - type: $act.data('type'), - id: $act.data('id'), - episode: $act.data('episode'), - url: $(this).prop('href') - }; - detail.url = $(this).prop('href'); - detail.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; - detail.metaKey = e.metaKey; - var event = new CustomEvent('talGoto', { - detail: detail - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - if ($jp.length) { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - $(this).on('click.special', 'a.goto-episode', function(e) { - var detail = { - type: 'episode', - id: $act.data('episode-id'), - episode: $act.data('episode'), - url: $(this).prop('href') - }; - detail.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; - detail.metaKey = e.metaKey; - var event = new CustomEvent('talGoto', { - detail: detail - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - if ($jp.length) { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - }); - $('.node-collection').once('links').each(function() { - var detail = { - type: $(this).data('type'), - id: $(this).data('id'), - }; - $(this).on('click.special', 'a.goto-collection', function(e) { - detail.url = $(this).prop('href'); - detail.ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey; - detail.metaKey = e.metaKey; - var event = new CustomEvent('talGoto', { - detail: detail - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - if ($jp.length) { - e.preventDefault(); - } - }); - }); - - - var $actions = $('ul.actions'); - $actions.find('a.download').off('click').on('click.download', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - }); - - // Shortcut - $('a.cut').attr('target', '_blank'); - $actions.on('click.shortcut', 'a.cut', function(e) { - var event = new CustomEvent('talShortcut', { - detail: { - type: $(this).data('type'), - id: $(this).data('id'), - url: $(this).prop('href') - } - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - }); - - // Play - $('a.play').off('click').on('click.play', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if ($(this).hasClass('playing')) { - $jp.jPlayer('pause'); - } else { - - if (!$body.hasClass('player') && $body.hasClass('node-type-homepage')) { - var event = new CustomEvent('talGoto', { - detail: { - type: 'internal', - url: $(this).prop('href') - } - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - } - - var event = new CustomEvent('talPlay', { - detail: { - type: $(this).data('type'), - id: $(this).data('id'), - episode: $(this).data('episode'), - act: $(this).data('act') - } - }); - window.dispatchEvent(event); - } - }); - }, - initPage = function() { - initLinks(); - initArchive(); - Drupal.behaviors.contextualLinks.attach(); - Drupal.behaviors.thislifeHeight.attach(); - Drupal.behaviors.thislifeAbout.attach(); - Drupal.behaviors.thislifeExtras.attach(); - if (typeof current_episode !== 'undefined') { - if (playing) { - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode + '-' + current_act).addClass('playing'); - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode).addClass('playing'); - } else { - - $('a.play-act').removeClass('playing'); 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Try to load from saved state. - if ($saved_archive.data('scroll')) { - scrollTo = $saved_archive.data('scroll'); - } - $main.html($saved_archive.html()); - $main.find('.links-processed').removeClass('links-processed'); - $saved_archive.empty().removeData('scroll path'); - } else { - $main.html(data.main); - } - if (typeof data.sidebar !== 'undefined') { - $sidebar.html(data.sidebar); - } - if (typeof data.top !== 'undefined') { - $top.html(data.top); - } - if (typeof data.color !== 'undefined') { - $header.css('background-color', data.color); - } else { - $header.css('background-color', ''); - } - $nav.find('li.active-trail').removeClass('active-trail'); - $nav.find('a.active').removeClass('active'); - open_menu = false; - $body.removeClass('open-menu player-open'); - - if (typeof data.facebook !== 'undefined') { - $share_modal.find('a.facebook').attr('href', data.facebook); - } - if (typeof data.twitter !== 'undefined') { - $share_modal.find('a.twitter').attr('href', data.twitter); - } - if (typeof data.mail !== 'undefined') { - $share_modal.find('a.mail').attr('href', data.mail); 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- } - - $('title').text(data.title); - initPage(); - //Drupal.attachBehaviors($main); - - if (typeof ga !== 'undefined') { - ga('send', 'pageview', { - 'page': path, - 'title': data.title - }); - } - - } - }); /* end ajax */ - - } - - } - }; - - initLinks(); - initArchive(); - $(window).on('load', function() { - resizePage(); - }).on("throttledresize", function() { - resizePage(); - }); - resizePage(); - window.requestAnimationFrame(updatePage); - - if ($jp.length) { - var fingerprint, - heartbeat = function() { - if (typeof fingerprint !== 'undefined') { - var data = { - fingerprint: fingerprint, - episode: current_episode.episode, - position: last_position, - source: 'thisamericanlife' - }; - $.ajax({ - url: "https://hb.serialpodcast.org/", - data: data - }); - } - }; - new Fingerprint2().get(function(result) { - fingerprint = result; - }); - - - $jp.jPlayer({ - ready: function() { - ready = true; - }, - timeupdate: function(event) { - var position = parseInt(event.jPlayer.status.currentTime), - new_total = Math.floor(event.jPlayer.status.duration), - new_act = 0; - if (typeof current_episode.acts !== 'undefined') { - $.each(current_episode.acts, function(i, act) { - if (position >= act.timestamp) { - new_act = act.number; - } - }); - } - if (new_act !== current_act) { - $('a.play-act').removeClass('playing'); - if (typeof current_episode.acts !== 'undefined') { - $.each(current_episode.acts, function(i, act) { - if (act.number === new_act) { - current_act = act.number; - $info.find('.title').html(act.name).css('display', 'inline-block'); - if (typeof act.byline !== 'undefined') { - $info.find('.contributor').html(act.byline); - } else { - $info.find('.contributor').empty(); - } - if (typeof act.summary !== 'undefined') { - $info.find('.body').html(act.summary); - } else { - $info.find('.body').empty(); - } - initLinks(); - } - }); - } - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode + '-' + current_act).addClass('playing'); - } - if (new_total > 60 && position % 1 === 0) { - if (position > (last_position + 14)) { - last_position = position; - heartbeat(); - } - } - - var status = event.jPlayer.status; - $('.jp-remaining').text($.jPlayer.convertTime(status.duration - status.currentTime)); - }, - play: function() { - playing = true; - $('body').addClass('player playing'); - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode + '-' + current_act).addClass('playing'); - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode).addClass('playing'); - }, - pause: function() { - $('body').removeClass('playing'); - playing = false; - $('a.play-act').removeClass('playing'); - $('a.play-' + current_episode.episode).removeClass('playing'); - }, - loadeddata: function(event) { - var duration = event.jPlayer.status.duration; - if (typeof current_episode.acts !== 'undefined') { - $.each(current_episode.acts, function(i, act) { - if (act.number > 0) { - var $jump = $('').addClass('jump').css({ - left: (act.timestamp / duration * 100) + '%' - }).on('click', function() { - $jp.jPlayer('play', act.timestamp); - }); - $progress.append($jump); - } - }); - } - }, - ended: function() { - playing = false; - $('body').removeClass('playing'); - last_position = 0; - }, - swfPath: jplayer_swfPath, - wmode: "window" - }); - - $player.find('a.cut').on('click', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if (typeof current_episode !== false && typeof current_episode.episode !== 'undefined') { - var url = 'https://shortcut.thisamericanlife.org/#/clipping/' + current_episode.episode; - if ($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime) { - var timestamp = Math.floor($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime); - url += '/' + timestamp; - } - $jp.jPlayer('pause'); - window.open(url, '_blank'); - } - }); - - $(window).on('talGoto', function(e) { - var detail = e.originalEvent.detail; - if ((typeof detail.ctrlKey !== 'undefined' && detail.ctrlKey) || (typeof detail.metaKey !== 'undefined' && detail.metaKey)) { - window.open(detail.url, '_blank'); - } else if ($body.hasClass('page-broadcast')) { - window.open(detail.url, '_blank'); - } else if ($body.hasClass('page-status-404-not-found')) { - window.open(detail.url, '_self'); 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- current_episode = data; - if (typeof data.facebook !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.facebook').attr('href', data.facebook); - } - if (typeof data.twitter !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.twitter').attr('href', data.twitter); - } - if (typeof data.mail !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.mail').attr('href', data.mail); - } - playEpisode(); - } - } else { - $jp.jPlayer('play'); - } - } - } else if (detail.type === 'act') { - if (typeof detail.episode !== 'undefined') { - if (typeof current_episode === false || current_episode.episode !== detail.episode) { - if ($('#playlist-data').length) { - var data = JSON.parse($('#playlist-data').html()); - current_episode = data; - if (typeof data.facebook !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.facebook').attr('href', data.facebook); - } - if (typeof data.twitter !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.twitter').attr('href', data.twitter); - } - if (typeof data.mail !== 'undefined') { - $player_share_modal.find('a.mail').attr('href', data.mail); - } - playEpisode(detail.act); - } - } else if (detail.act !== current_act) { - playAct(detail.act); - } else { - $jp.jPlayer('play'); - } - } - } - } - }); - - $player.on('click', 'a, .jp-progress', function(e) { - e.stopPropagation(); - }); - - $player.on('click', 'a.close', function() { - $body.removeClass('player-open'); - }); - - $player.find('a.jp-rewind').click(function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if (ready) { - var new_time = Math.floor($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime) - 10; - if (new_time < 0) { - new_time = 0; - } - $jp.jPlayer('play', new_time); - } - }); - - $player.find('a.jp-forward').click(function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if (ready) { - var new_time = Math.floor($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime) + 30; - if (new_time < $jp.data("jPlayer").status.duration) { - $jp.jPlayer('play', new_time); - } - } - }); - - $player.find('a.jp-previous').click(function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if (ready && current_episode) { - if (typeof current_episode.acts !== 'undefined') { - var time = Math.floor($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime), - acts = current_episode.acts.slice().reverse(); - $.each(acts, function(i, act) { - if (act.number <= current_act && act.timestamp < time) { - $jp.jPlayer('play', act.timestamp); - return false; - } - }); - } - } - }); - - $player.find('a.jp-next').click(function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - if (ready && current_episode) { - if (typeof current_episode.acts !== 'undefined') { - var time = Math.floor($jp.data("jPlayer").status.currentTime); - $.each(current_episode.acts, function(i, act) { - if (act.number > current_act && act.timestamp > time) { - $jp.jPlayer('play', act.timestamp); - return false; - } - }); - } - } - }); - - $player.on('click', function() { - if (view === 'mobile') { - if ($body.hasClass('player-open')) { - - } else { - $body.addClass('player-open'); - } - } - }); - - } - - $main.on('click', 'a.pager', function(e) { - e.preventDefault(); - - var $a = $(this), - path = $(this).attr('href'); - $.ajax({ - url: path, - cache: true, - dataType: 'json', - success: function(data) { - var $pager = $a.parents('ul.pager').parent('.item-list'); 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