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6 years ago
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import numpy as np
import warnings
from scipy._lib._util import check_random_state
def rvs_ratio_uniforms(pdf, umax, vmin, vmax, size=1, c=0, random_state=None):
Generate random samples from a probability density function using the
ratio-of-uniforms method.
pdf : callable
A function with signature `pdf(x)` that is the probability
density function of the distribution.
umax : float
The upper bound of the bounding rectangle in the u-direction.
vmin : float
The lower bound of the bounding rectangle in the v-direction.
vmax : float
The upper bound of the bounding rectangle in the v-direction.
size : int or tuple of ints, optional
Defining number of random variates (default is 1).
c : float, optional.
Shift parameter of ratio-of-uniforms method, see Notes. Default is 0.
random_state : int or np.random.RandomState instance, optional
If already a RandomState instance, use it.
If seed is an int, return a new RandomState instance seeded with seed.
If None, use np.random.RandomState. Default is None.
rvs : ndarray
The random variates distributed according to the probability
distribution defined by the pdf.
Given a univariate probability density function `pdf` and a constant `c`,
define the set ``A = {(u, v) : 0 < u <= sqrt(pdf(v/u + c))}``.
If `(U, V)` is a random vector uniformly distributed over `A`,
then `V/U + c` follows a distribution according to `pdf`.
The above result (see [1]_, [2]_) can be used to sample random variables
using only the pdf, i.e. no inversion of the cdf is required. Typical
choices of `c` are zero or the mode of `pdf`. The set `A` is a subset of
the rectangle ``R = [0, umax] x [vmin, vmax]`` where
- ``umax = sup sqrt(pdf(x))``
- ``vmin = inf (x - c) sqrt(pdf(x))``
- ``vmax = sup (x - c) sqrt(pdf(x))``
In particular, these values are finite if `pdf` is bounded and
``x**2 * pdf(x)`` is bounded (i.e. subquadratic tails).
One can generate `(U, V)` uniformly on `R` and return
`V/U + c` if `(U, V)` are also in `A` which can be directly
Intuitively, the method works well if `A` fills up most of the
enclosing rectangle such that the probability is high that `(U, V)`
lies in `A` whenever it lies in `R` as the number of required
iterations becomes too large otherwise. To be more precise, note that
the expected number of iterations to draw `(U, V)` uniformly
distributed on `R` such that `(U, V)` is also in `A` is given by
the ratio ``area(R) / area(A) = 2 * umax * (vmax - vmin)``, using the fact
that the area of `A` is equal to 1/2 (Theorem 7.1 in [1]_). A warning
is displayed if this ratio is larger than 20. Moreover, if the sampling
fails to generate a single random variate after 50000 iterations (i.e.
not a single draw is in `A`), an exception is raised.
If the bounding rectangle is not correctly specified (i.e. if it does not
contain `A`), the algorithm samples from a distribution different from
the one given by `pdf`. It is therefore recommended to perform a
test such as `stats.kstest` as a check.
.. [1] L. Devroye, "Non-Uniform Random Variate Generation",
Springer-Verlag, 1986.
.. [2] W. Hoermann and J. Leydold, "Generating generalized inverse Gaussian
random variates", Statistics and Computing, 24(4), p. 547--557, 2014.
.. [3] A.J. Kinderman and J.F. Monahan, "Computer Generation of Random
Variables Using the Ratio of Uniform Deviates",
ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, 3(3), p. 257--260, 1977.
>>> from scipy import stats
Simulate normally distributed random variables. It is easy to compute the
bounding rectangle explicitly in that case.
>>> f = stats.norm.pdf
>>> v_bound = np.sqrt(f(np.sqrt(2))) * np.sqrt(2)
>>> umax, vmin, vmax = np.sqrt(f(0)), -v_bound, v_bound
>>> np.random.seed(12345)
>>> rvs = stats.rvs_ratio_uniforms(f, umax, vmin, vmax, size=2500)
The K-S test confirms that the random variates are indeed normally
distributed (normality is not rejected at 5% significance level):
>>> stats.kstest(rvs, 'norm')[1]
The exponential distribution provides another example where the bounding
rectangle can be determined explicitly.
>>> np.random.seed(12345)
>>> rvs = stats.rvs_ratio_uniforms(lambda x: np.exp(-x), umax=1,
... vmin=0, vmax=2*np.exp(-1), size=1000)
>>> stats.kstest(rvs, 'expon')[1]
Sometimes it can be helpful to use a non-zero shift parameter `c`, see e.g.
[2]_ above in the case of the generalized inverse Gaussian distribution.
if vmin >= vmax:
raise ValueError("vmin must be smaller than vmax.")
if umax <= 0:
raise ValueError("umax must be positive.")
exp_iter = 2 * (vmax - vmin) * umax # rejection constant (see [1])
if exp_iter > 20:
msg = ("The expected number of iterations to generate a single random "
"number from the desired distribution is larger than {}, "
"potentially causing bad performance.".format(int(exp_iter)))
warnings.warn(msg, RuntimeWarning)
size1d = tuple(np.atleast_1d(size))
N = # number of rvs needed, reshape upon return
# start sampling using ratio of uniforms method
rng = check_random_state(random_state)
x = np.zeros(N)
simulated, i = 0, 1
# loop until N rvs have been generated: expected runtime is finite
# to avoid infinite loop, raise exception if not a single rv has been
# generated after 50000 tries. even if exp_iter = 1000, probability of
# this event is (1-1/1000)**50000 which is of order 10e-22
while True:
k = N - simulated
# simulate uniform rvs on [0, umax] and [vmin, vmax]
u1 = umax * rng.random_sample(size=k)
v1 = vmin + (vmax - vmin) * rng.random_sample(size=k)
# apply rejection method
rvs = v1 / u1 + c
accept = (u1**2 <= pdf(rvs))
num_accept = np.sum(accept)
if num_accept > 0:
take = min(num_accept, N - simulated)
x[simulated:(simulated + take)] = rvs[accept][0:take]
simulated += take
if simulated >= N:
return np.reshape(x, size1d)
if (simulated == 0) and (i*N >= 50000):
msg = ("Not a single random variate could be generated in {} "
"attempts. The ratio of uniforms method does not appear "
"to work for the provided parameters. Please check the "
"pdf and the bounds.".format(i*N))
raise RuntimeError(msg)
i += 1