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6 years ago
Generic test utilities.
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import os
import re
import sys
__all__ = ['PytestTester', 'check_free_memory']
class FPUModeChangeWarning(RuntimeWarning):
"""Warning about FPU mode change"""
class PytestTester(object):
Pytest test runner entry point.
def __init__(self, module_name):
self.module_name = module_name
def __call__(self, label="fast", verbose=1, extra_argv=None, doctests=False,
coverage=False, tests=None):
import pytest
module = sys.modules[self.module_name]
module_path = os.path.abspath(module.__path__[0])
pytest_args = ['-l']
if doctests:
raise ValueError("Doctests not supported")
if extra_argv:
pytest_args += list(extra_argv)
if verbose and int(verbose) > 1:
pytest_args += ["-" + "v"*(int(verbose)-1)]
if coverage:
pytest_args += ["--cov=" + module_path]
if label == "fast":
pytest_args += ["-m", "not slow"]
elif label != "full":
pytest_args += ["-m", label]
if tests is None:
tests = [self.module_name]
pytest_args += ['--pyargs'] + list(tests)
code = pytest.main(pytest_args)
except SystemExit as exc:
code = exc.code
return (code == 0)
def check_free_memory(free_mb):
Check *free_mb* of memory is available, otherwise do pytest.skip
import pytest
mem_free = _parse_size(os.environ['SCIPY_AVAILABLE_MEM'])
msg = '{0} MB memory required, but environment SCIPY_AVAILABLE_MEM={1}'.format(
free_mb, os.environ['SCIPY_AVAILABLE_MEM'])
except KeyError:
mem_free = _get_mem_available()
if mem_free is None:
pytest.skip("Could not determine available memory; set SCIPY_AVAILABLE_MEM "
"variable to free memory in MB to run the test.")
msg = '{0} MB memory required, but {1} MB available'.format(
free_mb, mem_free/1e6)
if mem_free < free_mb * 1e6:
def _parse_size(size_str):
suffixes = {'': 1e6,
'b': 1.0,
'k': 1e3, 'M': 1e6, 'G': 1e9, 'T': 1e12,
'kb': 1e3, 'Mb': 1e6, 'Gb': 1e9, 'Tb': 1e12,
'kib': 1024.0, 'Mib': 1024.0**2, 'Gib': 1024.0**3, 'Tib': 1024.0**4}
m = re.match(r'^\s*(\d+)\s*({0})\s*$'.format('|'.join(suffixes.keys())),
if not m or not in suffixes:
raise ValueError("Invalid size string")
return float( * suffixes[]
def _get_mem_available():
Get information about memory available, not counting swap.
import psutil
return psutil.virtual_memory().available
except (ImportError, AttributeError):
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
info = {}
with open('/proc/meminfo', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
p = line.split()
info[p[0].strip(':').lower()] = float(p[1]) * 1e3
if 'memavailable' in info:
# Linux >= 3.14
return info['memavailable']
return info['memfree'] + info['cached']
return None