You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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# Scenario 1- Tender Space
## Titles
* Attune to the streaming
* Get into the flow
## Topics
Topics we want to talk about
* Inclusion/exclusion of public/private spaces (f.e. fear of being present in public till late, fear of talking about politics)
* Public speech (horizontal ways of speaking in public)
* Modes of adress that sounds bad for the society like
* Words for how this female sound sounds like/judgments from ancient mythologies to todays assumptions (the Monstrosity...)
## Reader
Ask the participants to propose extracts from texts
* Carson, A. (1996) The Gender of Sound, in Glass, Irony and God. First Edition edition. New York: New Directions, pp. 119142.
* Beard, M. (2017) Women & Power: A Manifesto. 1 edition. New York: Liveright.
* ....
## Workshop/meeeting structure
1.First warm up (ideas: face washing, voice/breathing exercises, human microphone, deep listening of Pauline Oliveros) feeling comfortable with each other, make conversations on inclusion, exclusion (bring examples, it can be experiences of others/ collective or individuals), introducing the streaming platform, play with it, record and listem to each other. Leave it open for the online domain
3.not be the leader but provide safe space for discussion
4.creating questions: define soatiality of mediation
5.Define your field of interest
6.finding our patterns
## Terms explaining
* streaming/flow: TCP/UP data packages (differences on being present and live like Skype (it make it more "real") and Netflix)- chronopoetics, streaming and continuity (Carson)
* attune:
* amplification: become loud
* private/public:
* listen:
6 years ago
6 years ago
# Scenario 2
**you are into the stream**
Inviting to separate and walk around the area of Leeszaal. First a topic will be decided to talk about/ a damage to be repaired. Dark memories of the area will also emerge together with that topic.
Personal stories in a live streaming where all of us can be online. Then we all listen to what we said. The audio file will be made by the voices overlapping but in chronological time.