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5 years ago
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<p style="background-color: lightgrey;width: 200px;">Digital Utterance</p>
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How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, discuss peronal associations, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels.
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<button class="tablinks" style="position: absolute; right: 50%;" onclick="openCity(event, 'utterance')">Digital Utterance</button>
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How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal.<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="display: inline;text-decoration:underline;">We invite <div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>how we should approch the gender terminology and false association with voice when inviting people? Should it be about femme sounding? Female voice? </div></div></div>women from Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, <div class="tooltip-wrap" style="display: inline;text-decoration:underline;">discuss <div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>what conflicts or frictions the technical aspect provokes?</div></div></div>personal associations and experiences with voice in public, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels.
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<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Angela Davis @Occupy Wall Street</a>
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<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Judith Butler @Occupy Wall Street</a>
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<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Laurie Anderson - Mach 20</a>
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<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Ballout, D. (2019) Good Morning, Kafranbel, This American Life: Wartime Radio</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Vocal performance of Katalin Ladik in the film Berberian Sound Studio, 2012</a>
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<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Angela Davis @Occupy Wall Street</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Judith Butler @Occupy Wall Street</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Laurie Anderson - Mach 20</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Ballout, D. (2019) Good Morning, Kafranbel, This American Life: Wartime Radio</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Vocal performance of Katalin Ladik in the film Berberian Sound Studio, 2012</a>
<!-- recordings -->
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5 years ago
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-warming.mp3"></audio>warming up @Leeszaal
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:12%; left:51%;">
5 years ago
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-choir.mp3"></audio>singing vowels @Leeszaal
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<div class="column"><img src="images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.jpg" width="500px">
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5 years ago
<audio controls src="audio/description-alex2.mp3"></audio>describing/annotating
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:30%; left:70%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-discussion.mp3"></audio>discussing about voice in public @Fine Arts
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<td><img src="images/meeting-20190329-finearts-1.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:42%; left:75%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-transcribing.mp3"></audio>transcribing vowels @Leeszaal
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<div class="column"><img src="images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-1.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:55%; left:69%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-choir.mp3"></audio>singing vowels @Fine Arts
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<div class="column"><img src="images/vowels-20190329-finearts.jpg" width="500px" />
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5 years ago
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-choirhigh.mp3"></audio>singing vowels (high) @Fine Arts
<div style="position:absolute; top:33%; left:26%;;">
<audio controls src=""></audio>
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:46%; left:28%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-discussion.mp3"></audio>discussing about voice in public @Leeszaal
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<td><img src="images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-2.JPG" width="500px" />
<div style="position:absolute; top:66%; left:41%;;">
5 years ago
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-warming.mp3"></audio>warming up @Fine Arts
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:23%; left:32%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-transcribing.mp3"></audio>transcribing vowels @Fine Arts
<div class="tooltip-content-down">
<td><img src="images/meeting-20190329-finearts-2.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:27%; left:29%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-extracts.mp3"></audio>reading extracts @Fine Arts
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<td><img src="images/carson-extract.jpg" width="500px" />
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<!-- soundwalk player -->
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<p>I recorded sounds from West Rotterdam, while walking around a neighborhood for several days. This action was part of my first experiments when I was in attempt to understand how gender binaries regarding voice are reflected in space, especially public space.
<div class="row"><div class="column" style="padding-right: 120px;"><img width="290px" src="images/soundwalk-photo1.jpg" /></div><div class="column"><img width="290px" src="images/soundwalk-photo3.jpg" /></div></div>
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5 years ago
<audio style="width: 100%;" id="a1" controls src="audio/selection-track-extracts-1.mp3"></audio>
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<div>selection of recordings while wandering around Leeszaal</div>
<img src="images/20190123-track-annotated.png" width="100%">
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<audio ontimeupdate="playTranscript()" style="width: 100%; background: #222;" id="a2" controls src="audio/description-lidia-CUT.mp3"></audio>
5 years ago
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<div id="transcript">
<div><a data-start="0.4" href="#">00:00:00,400</a> A vint</div>
<div><a data-start="8.18" href="#">00:00:08,180</a> A bag</div>
<div><a data-start="16.54" href="#">00:00:16,540</a> Someone with a bag</div>
<div><a data-start="28.52" href="#">00:00:28,520</a> Ok. Music</div>
<div><a data-start="33.16" href="#">00:00:33,160</a> Nice music</div>
<div><a data-start="50.86" href="#">00:00:50,860</a> What is that? Oh, the car, the market. I think</div>
<div><a data-start="77.68" href="#">00:01:17,680</a> Wind</div>
<div><a data-start="120.6" href="#">00:02:00,600</a> Wow</div>
<div><a data-start="136.68" href="#">00:02:16,680</a> Children?</div>
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<audio ontimeupdate="playTranscript3()" style="width: 100%; background: #222;" id="a3" controls src="audio/description-eugenie-CUT-SHORT.mp3"></audio>
5 years ago
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<div id="transcript3">
<div><a data-start="1.8" href="#">00:00:01,800</a> Children outside</div>
<div><a data-start="10.76" href="#">00:00:10,760</a> I think it's outside</div>
<div><a data-start="13.7" href="#">00:00:13,700</a> Shoes, walking people</div>
<div><a data-start="20.44" href="#">00:00:20,440</a> Or maybe papers</div>
<div><a data-start="27.48" href="#">00:00:27,480</a> Music inside</div>
<div><a data-start="31.38" href="#">00:00:31,380</a> Chilling up</div>
<div><a data-start="53.06" href="#">00:00:53,060</a> This is outside. It's a troll, it's a bag</div>
<div><a data-start="58.24" href="#">00:00:58,240</a> Wheels</div>
<div><a data-start="75.7" href="#">00:01:15,700</a> Water</div>
<div><a data-start="90.9" href="#">00:01:30,900</a> People in a room. Inside. They are moving, close</div>
<div><a data-start="114.62" href="#">00:01:54,620</a> It's inside somewhere, somewhere...</div>
<div><a data-start="135.4" href="#">00:02:15,400</a> Children in a swimming pool</div>
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<audio style="width: 100%; background: #222;" id="a4" controls src="audio/description-alex1.mp3"></audio>
5 years ago
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<div class='sub'>
<div><a data-start="11.74" href="#">00:00:11,740</a> Em... I hear... It sounds like walking and it's quite windy outside</div>
<div><a data-start="18.62" href="#">00:00:18,620</a> But it sounds like... It's... The microphone is inside or something</div>
<div><a data-start="26.98" href="#">00:00:26,980</a> It's probably music</div>
<div><a data-start="30.32" href="#">00:00:30,320</a> From a car maybe or from some radio?</div>
<div><a data-start="37.6" href="#">00:00:37,600</a> It's outside on the street. I hear some cars in the background</div>
<div><a data-start="48.7" href="#">00:00:48,700</a> Mmmm... It sounds like gardening sounds</div>
<div><a data-start="54.82" href="#">00:00:54,820</a> There are people in the background or maybe it's bikes</div>
<div><a data-start="65.84" href="#">00:01:05,840</a> Oh I hear a bird in the background</div>
<div><a data-start="72.12" href="#">00:01:12,120</a> A very monotone sound</div>
<div><a data-start="76.74" href="#">00:01:16,740</a> It's like driving, maybe driving in a car</div>
<div><a data-start="95.12" href="#">00:01:35,120</a> And some wind around
It seems like outside but there is some noise in the background</div>
<div><a data-start="96.58" href="#">00:01:36,580</a> It seems like outside but there is some noise in the background</div>
<div><a data-start="106.34" href="#">00:01:46,340</a> It's outside</div>
<div><a data-start="124.92" href="#">00:02:04,920</a> Oh, I hear children in the background crying</div>
<div><a data-start="124.94" href="#">00:02:04,940</a> There is some weird sound in the foreground, which I... It's hard to describe [chuckling]
Oh, I hear children in the background crying</div>
<div><a data-start="128.36" href="#">00:02:08,360</a> There is some weird sound in the foreground, which I... It's hard to describe [chuckling]</div>
<div><a data-start="134.9" href="#">00:02:14,900</a> Again it sounds like there is a kindergarten or school nearby</div>
<button id="but">listen</button>
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5 years ago
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<img src="images/20190128-track-annotated.png" width="100%">
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<audio style="width: 100%; background: #222;" id="b2" controls src="audio/description-tommi.mp3"></audio>
5 years ago
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<div class='subB'>
<div><a data-start="12.98" href="#">00:00:12,980</a> This is some water ** maybe from a fountain</div>
<div><a data-start="61.48" href="#">00:01:01,480</a> Plates</div>
<div><a data-start="64.44" href="#">00:01:04,440</a> A bus at stand by at a bus stop</div>
<div><a data-start="70.02" href="#">00:01:10,020</a> Some people are chatting</div>
<div><a data-start="76.94" href="#">00:01:16,940</a> Some kids talking talking while they are playing in the sand or something</div>
<div><a data-start="87.94" href="#">00:01:27,940</a> Two people having a conversation on a street</div>
<div><a data-start="96.28" href="#">00:01:36,280</a> One of them is walking away [chuckling]</div>
<div><a data-start="102.1" href="#">00:01:42,100</a> And now a car is passing</div>
<div><a data-start="110.6" href="#">00:01:50,600</a> It's a construction site</div>
<div><a data-start="113.3" href="#">00:01:53,300</a> Something is being hammered</div>
<div><a data-start="121.2" href="#">00:02:01,200</a> Some sports match or something</div>
<div><a data-start="124.16" href="#">00:02:04,160</a> Everyone is **</div>
<div><a data-start="132.54" href="#">00:02:12,540</a> Someone is speaking Arabic</div>
<div><a data-start="138.76" href="#">00:02:18,760</a> To a group of people</div>
<div><a data-start="142.76" href="#">00:02:22,760</a> It's like a very large voluminous space [chuckling] cause it's echoing a lot</div>
<div><a data-start="156.76" href="#">00:02:36,760</a> Some people are shouting at something at a distance</div>
<div><a data-start="163.76" href="#">00:02:43,760</a> It sounds like in a courtyard</div>
<div><a data-start="166.54" href="#">00:02:46,540</a> A baby crying</div>
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<audio style="width: 100%; background: #222;" id="b3" controls src="audio/description-alex2.mp3"></audio>
5 years ago
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<div class='subB'>
<div><a data-start="7.82" href="#">00:00:07,820</a> There is teenagers nearby and it's walking</div>
<div><a data-start="11.7" href="#">00:00:11,700</a> Oh, there is water</div>
<div><a data-start="15.24" href="#">00:00:15,240</a> That's running</div>
<div><a data-start="20.66" href="#">00:00:20,660</a> Outside probably</div>
<div><a data-start="28.88" href="#">00:00:28,880</a> Oh, that's... It sounds like there is something clapping or like hitting against a surface</div>
<div><a data-start="38.52" href="#">00:00:38,520</a> And it's very repetitive sound</div>
<div><a data-start="46.6" href="#">00:00:46,600</a> Oh, I can hear some, some radio or some music or broadcast</div>
<div><a data-start="60.2" href="#">00:01:00,200</a> That was too short. I don't know [chuckling]</div>
<div><a data-start="64.44" href="#">00:01:04,440</a> Oh, it's quite loud. It's... Maybe it's in some kind of transport</div>
<div><a data-start="76.22" href="#">00:01:16,220</a> Oh, there is a child speaking</div>
<div><a data-start="85.74" href="#">00:01:25,740</a> There are people talking outside... In a foreign language</div>
<div><a data-start="96.28" href="#">00:01:36,280</a> It's not Dutch and there is some wind</div>
<div><a data-start="102.32" href="#">00:01:42,320</a> There are more people talking</div>
<div><a data-start="112.76" href="#">00:01:52,760</a> Oh, there is sounds like there are construction works</div>
<div><a data-start="116.72" href="#">00:01:56,720</a> Or hammering</div>
<div><a data-start="120.92" href="#">00:02:00,920</a> Oh, it's very loud. Oh [chuckling], it's applause or... a crowd of people. I don't know [chuckling]</div>
<div><a data-start="132.06" href="#">00:02:12,060</a> It's inside. It sounds like a hallway... I don't know. Like inside</div>
<div><a data-start="138.26" href="#">00:02:18,260</a> Because I hear some echoing</div>
<div><a data-start="142.56" href="#">00:02:22,560</a> Ot it's inside a tunnel, where people are passing by</div>
<div><a data-start="158.2" href="#">00:02:38,200</a> It sounds like near some street outside and I hear some kids in the background</div>
<div><a data-start="166.6" href="#">00:02:46,600</a> Again, there is a child screaming or crying</div>
<button id="butB">listen</button>
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<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-discussion.mp3"></audio>discussing about voice in public @Fine Arts
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<td><img src="images/meeting-20190329-finearts-1.JPG" width="500px" />
<span><audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-warming.mp3"></audio>warming up @Leeszaal</audio></span>
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<span><audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-warming.mp3"></audio></span>
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<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-warming.mp3"></audio>
<div style="position:absolute; top:15%; left:41%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-warming.mp3"></audio>warming up @Leeszaal
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:12%; left:51%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-choir.mp3"></audio>singing vowels @Leeszaal
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<div class="column"><img src="images/vowels-20190328-leeszaal.jpg" width="500px">
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<audio controls src="audio/description-alex2.mp3"></audio>describing/annotating
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:30%; left:70%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-discussion.mp3"></audio>discussing about voice in public @Fine Arts
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<td><img src="images/meeting-20190329-finearts-1.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:42%; left:75%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-transcribing.mp3"></audio>transcribing vowels @Leeszaal
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<div class="row">
<div class="column"><img src="images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-1.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:55%; left:69%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-choir.mp3"></audio>singing vowels @Fine Arts
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<div class="column"><img src="images/vowels-20190329-finearts.jpg" width="500px" />
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<div style="position:absolute; top:57%; left:33%;;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-choirhigh.mp3"></audio>singing vowels (high) @Fine Arts
<div style="position:absolute; top:33%; left:26%;;">
<audio controls src=""></audio>
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:46%; left:28%;">
<audio controls src="audio/leeszaal-meetings-discussion.mp3"></audio>discussing about voice in public @Leeszaal
<div class="tooltip-content-up">
<td><img src="images/meeting-20190328-leeszaal-2.JPG" width="500px" />
<div style="position:absolute; top:66%; left:41%;;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-warming.mp3"></audio>warming up @Fine Arts
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:23%; left:32%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-transcribing.mp3"></audio>transcribing vowels @Fine Arts
<div class="tooltip-content-down">
<td><img src="images/meeting-20190329-finearts-2.JPG" width="500px" />
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="position:absolute; top:27%; left:29%;">
<audio controls src="audio/finearts-meeting-extracts.mp3"></audio>reading extracts @Fine Arts
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<td><img src="images/carson-extract.jpg" width="500px" />
<td><img src="images/fresh1.jpg" width="500px" />
<td><img src="images/fresh2.jpg" width="500px" />
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<div class="draggable" id="main-note" style="top:9%;left:10%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="podcast1.php" target="_blank">About</a></h2>
<div class="draggable" id="resize" style="top:20%;left:48%;width: 500px;">
<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="text-decoration:underline;"> <img src="texts/thesis/carson-list.jpg" style="width: 100%"></img><div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>this is how female/high-pitched voices have been described since acient times as Anne Carson observes</div></div></div>
<div class="draggable" style="top:81%;left:76%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="podcast1.php" target="_blank">Podcasts</a></h2>
<div class="draggable" style="top:14%;left:66%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="texts/thesis/thesis-angeliki.html" target="_blank">Let' s Talk About Unspeakable Things</a></h2>
<div class="drag-content">Thesis</div>
<div class="draggable" style="top:47%;left:37%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="amplification.html" target="_blank">Amplification of female voices</a></h2>
<div class="drag-content">How can we engage politically with the exclusion of specific (female) voices from the public sphere through our own voice? Here I document my attempts to create a safe common space of discussing that topic in Leeszaal, that I consider a diverse public space, where we can explore our public voices in situ, and trying out vocal performances. I am doing that together with Christina Karagianni, who is also from Greece and with whom I share similar experiences of silencing. We combine our practices -her practice lies on choreography and mine on social interaction and sound- and try vocal exercises and reading in moments of Leeszaal.<div class="tooltip-wrap" style="display: inline;text-decoration:underline;">We invite <div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>how we should approch the gender terminology and false association with voice when inviting people? Should it be about femme sounding? Female voice? </div></div></div>women from Leeszaal. Structure of the meetings: reading extracts in random order, <div class="tooltip-wrap" style="display: inline;text-decoration:underline;">discuss <div class="tooltip-content-right" ><div>what conflicts or frictions the technical aspect provokes?</div></div></div>personal associations and experiences with voice in public, warm up, say a personal sentence in any language, transcribe only the vowels, read back the vowels, sing all together the score of vowels.</div>
<div class="draggable" style="top:36%;left:30%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="" target="_blank">Diary of West Rotterdam</a></h2>
<div class="drag-content"><p>I recorded sounds from West Rotterdam, while walking around a neighborhood for several days. This action was part of my first experiments when I was in attempt to understand how gender binaries regarding voice are reflected in space, especially public space.
<div class="row"><div class="column" style="padding-right: 120px;"><img width="100px" src="images/soundwalk-photo1.jpg" /></div><div class="column"><img width="100px" src="images/soundwalk-photo3.jpg" /></div></div></div>
<div class="draggable" style="top:1%;left:36%;">
<h2 style="text-align: left !important;"><a href="player.html" target="_blank">player</a></h2>
<div class="drag-content">Audio collection</div>
<div class="draggable">
<li class="draggable" style="list-style: none;">
<iframe style="display: hidden;" width="250" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>Angela Davis @Occupy Wall Street
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Judith Butler @Occupy Wall Street</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Laurie Anderson - Mach 20</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Ballout, D. (2019) Good Morning, Kafranbel, This American Life: Wartime Radio</a>
<li style="list-style: none;">
<a class="internet" href="" target="popup" onclick="'','popup','width=600,height=600'); return false;">Vocal performance of Katalin Ladik in the film Berberian Sound Studio, 2012</a>
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function playTranscript3() {
var currentDialogueTime = Math.max.apply(Math, dialogueTimings3.filter(function(v){return v <= audio.currentTime}));
if(previousDialogueTime !== currentDialogueTime) {
previousDialogueTime = currentDialogueTime;
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5 years ago