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5 years ago
''' Some tests for filters '''
from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import
import sys
import numpy as np
from numpy.testing import (assert_equal, assert_allclose,
assert_array_equal, assert_almost_equal)
from pytest import raises as assert_raises
import scipy.ndimage as sndi
from scipy.ndimage.filters import _gaussian_kernel1d, rank_filter
from scipy._lib._numpy_compat import suppress_warnings
def test_ticket_701():
# Test generic filter sizes
arr = np.arange(4).reshape((2,2))
func = lambda x: np.min(x)
res = sndi.generic_filter(arr, func, size=(1,1))
# The following raises an error unless ticket 701 is fixed
res2 = sndi.generic_filter(arr, func, size=1)
assert_equal(res, res2)
def test_gh_5430():
# At least one of these raises an error unless gh-5430 is
# fixed. In py2k an int is implemented using a C long, so
# which one fails depends on your system. In py3k there is only
# one arbitrary precision integer type, so both should fail.
sigma = np.int32(1)
out = sndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(sigma, 1)
assert_equal(out, [sigma])
sigma = np.int64(1)
out = sndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(sigma, 1)
assert_equal(out, [sigma])
# This worked before; make sure it still works
sigma = 1
out = sndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(sigma, 1)
assert_equal(out, [sigma])
# This worked before; make sure it still works
sigma = [1, 1]
out = sndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(sigma, 2)
assert_equal(out, sigma)
# Also include the OPs original example to make sure we fixed the issue
x = np.random.normal(size=(256, 256))
perlin = np.zeros_like(x)
for i in 2**np.arange(6):
perlin += sndi.filters.gaussian_filter(x, i, mode="wrap") * i**2
# This also fixes gh-4106, show that the OPs example now runs.
x = np.int64(21)
sndi._ni_support._normalize_sequence(x, 0)
def test_gaussian_kernel1d():
radius = 10
sigma = 2
sigma2 = sigma * sigma
x = np.arange(-radius, radius + 1, dtype=np.double)
phi_x = np.exp(-0.5 * x * x / sigma2)
phi_x /= phi_x.sum()
assert_allclose(phi_x, _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 0, radius))
assert_allclose(-phi_x * x / sigma2, _gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 1, radius))
assert_allclose(phi_x * (x * x / sigma2 - 1) / sigma2,
_gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 2, radius))
assert_allclose(phi_x * (3 - x * x / sigma2) * x / (sigma2 * sigma2),
_gaussian_kernel1d(sigma, 3, radius))
def test_orders_gauss():
# Check order inputs to Gaussians
arr = np.zeros((1,))
assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=0))
assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, order=3))
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter, arr, 1, -1)
assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=0))
assert_equal(0, sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=-1, order=3))
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.gaussian_filter1d, arr, 1, -1, -1)
def test_valid_origins():
"""Regression test for #1311."""
func = lambda x: np.mean(x)
data = np.array([1,2,3,4,5], dtype=np.float64)
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.generic_filter, data, func, size=3,
func2 = lambda x, y: np.mean(x + y)
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.generic_filter1d, data, func,
filter_size=3, origin=2)
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.percentile_filter, data, 0.2, size=3,
for filter in [sndi.uniform_filter, sndi.minimum_filter,
sndi.maximum_filter, sndi.maximum_filter1d,
sndi.median_filter, sndi.minimum_filter1d]:
# This should work, since for size == 3, the valid range for origin is
# -1 to 1.
list(filter(data, 3, origin=-1))
list(filter(data, 3, origin=1))
# Just check this raises an error instead of silently accepting or
# segfaulting.
assert_raises(ValueError, filter, data, 3, origin=2)
def test_bad_convolve_and_correlate_origins():
"""Regression test for gh-822."""
# Before gh-822 was fixed, these would generate seg. faults or
# other crashes on many system.
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.correlate1d,
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [1, 1, 2, 0], origin=2)
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.correlate,
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [0, 1, 2], origin=[2])
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.correlate,
np.ones((3, 5)), np.ones((2, 2)), origin=[0, 1])
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.convolve1d,
np.arange(10), np.ones(3), origin=-2)
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.convolve,
np.arange(10), np.ones(3), origin=[-2])
assert_raises(ValueError, sndi.convolve,
np.ones((3, 5)), np.ones((2, 2)), origin=[0, -2])
def test_multiple_modes():
# Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
# dimensions give the same result as applying a single mode.
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
mode1 = 'reflect'
mode2 = ['reflect', 'reflect']
assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode1),
sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode1),
sndi.sobel(arr, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode1),
sndi.laplace(arr, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode1),
sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode1),
sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=mode2))
assert_equal(sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode1),
sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=mode2))
def test_multiple_modes_sequentially():
# Test that the filters with multiple mode cababilities for different
# dimensions give the same result as applying the filters with
# different modes sequentially
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(arr, 1, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
expected = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(expected, 1, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 1, mode=modes))
expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(arr, 5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
expected = sndi.uniform_filter1d(expected, 5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes))
expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
expected = sndi.maximum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
sndi.maximum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(arr, size=5, axis=0, mode=modes[0])
expected = sndi.minimum_filter1d(expected, size=5, axis=1, mode=modes[1])
sndi.minimum_filter(arr, size=5, mode=modes))
def test_multiple_modes_prewitt():
# Test prewitt filter for multiple extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[1., -3., 2.],
[1., -2., 1.],
[1., -1., 0.]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
sndi.prewitt(arr, mode=modes))
def test_multiple_modes_sobel():
# Test sobel filter for multiple extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[1., -4., 3.],
[2., -3., 1.],
[1., -1., 0.]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
sndi.sobel(arr, mode=modes))
def test_multiple_modes_laplace():
# Test laplace filter for multiple extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[-2., 2., 1.],
[-2., -3., 2.],
[1., 1., 0.]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
sndi.laplace(arr, mode=modes))
def test_multiple_modes_gaussian_laplace():
# Test gaussian_laplace filter for multiple extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[-0.28438687, 0.01559809, 0.19773499],
[-0.36630503, -0.20069774, 0.07483620],
[0.15849176, 0.18495566, 0.21934094]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
sndi.gaussian_laplace(arr, 1, mode=modes))
def test_multiple_modes_gaussian_gradient_magnitude():
# Test gaussian_gradient_magnitude filter for multiple
# extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[0.04928965, 0.09745625, 0.06405368],
[0.23056905, 0.14025305, 0.04550846],
[0.19894369, 0.14950060, 0.06796850]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
calculated = sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(arr, 1, mode=modes)
assert_almost_equal(expected, calculated)
def test_multiple_modes_uniform():
# Test uniform filter for multiple extrapolation modes
arr = np.array([[1., 0., 0.],
[1., 1., 0.],
[0., 0., 0.]])
expected = np.array([[0.32, 0.40, 0.48],
[0.20, 0.28, 0.32],
[0.28, 0.32, 0.40]])
modes = ['reflect', 'wrap']
sndi.uniform_filter(arr, 5, mode=modes))
def test_gaussian_truncate():
# Test that Gaussian filters can be truncated at different widths.
# These tests only check that the result has the expected number
# of nonzero elements.
arr = np.zeros((100, 100), float)
arr[50, 50] = 1
num_nonzeros_2 = (sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 5, truncate=2) > 0).sum()
assert_equal(num_nonzeros_2, 21**2)
num_nonzeros_5 = (sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, 5, truncate=5) > 0).sum()
assert_equal(num_nonzeros_5, 51**2)
# Test truncate when sigma is a sequence.
f = sndi.gaussian_filter(arr, [0.5, 2.5], truncate=3.5)
fpos = f > 0
n0 = fpos.any(axis=0).sum()
# n0 should be 2*int(2.5*3.5 + 0.5) + 1
assert_equal(n0, 19)
n1 = fpos.any(axis=1).sum()
# n1 should be 2*int(0.5*3.5 + 0.5) + 1
assert_equal(n1, 5)
# Test gaussian_filter1d.
x = np.zeros(51)
x[25] = 1
f = sndi.gaussian_filter1d(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5)
n = (f > 0).sum()
assert_equal(n, 15)
# Test gaussian_laplace
y = sndi.gaussian_laplace(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5)
nonzero_indices = np.nonzero(y != 0)[0]
n = nonzero_indices.ptp() + 1
assert_equal(n, 15)
# Test gaussian_gradient_magnitude
y = sndi.gaussian_gradient_magnitude(x, sigma=2, truncate=3.5)
nonzero_indices = np.nonzero(y != 0)[0]
n = nonzero_indices.ptp() + 1
assert_equal(n, 15)
class TestThreading(object):
def check_func_thread(self, n, fun, args, out):
from threading import Thread
thrds = [Thread(target=fun, args=args, kwargs={'output': out[x]}) for x in range(n)]
[t.start() for t in thrds]
[t.join() for t in thrds]
def check_func_serial(self, n, fun, args, out):
for i in range(n):
fun(*args, output=out[i])
def test_correlate1d(self):
d = np.random.randn(5000)
os = np.empty((4, d.size))
ot = np.empty_like(os)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.correlate1d, (d, np.arange(5)), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.correlate1d, (d, np.arange(5)), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
def test_correlate(self):
d = np.random.randn(500, 500)
k = np.random.randn(10, 10)
os = np.empty([4] + list(d.shape))
ot = np.empty_like(os)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.correlate, (d, k), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.correlate, (d, k), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
def test_median_filter(self):
d = np.random.randn(500, 500)
os = np.empty([4] + list(d.shape))
ot = np.empty_like(os)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.median_filter, (d, 3), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.median_filter, (d, 3), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
def test_uniform_filter1d(self):
d = np.random.randn(5000)
os = np.empty((4, d.size))
ot = np.empty_like(os)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.uniform_filter1d, (d, 5), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.uniform_filter1d, (d, 5), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
def test_minmax_filter(self):
d = np.random.randn(500, 500)
os = np.empty([4] + list(d.shape))
ot = np.empty_like(os)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.maximum_filter, (d, 3), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.maximum_filter, (d, 3), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
self.check_func_serial(4, sndi.minimum_filter, (d, 3), os)
self.check_func_thread(4, sndi.minimum_filter, (d, 3), ot)
assert_array_equal(os, ot)
def test_minmaximum_filter1d():
# Regression gh-3898
in_ = np.arange(10)
out = sndi.minimum_filter1d(in_, 1)
assert_equal(in_, out)
out = sndi.maximum_filter1d(in_, 1)
assert_equal(in_, out)
# Test reflect
out = sndi.minimum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='reflect')
assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], out)
out = sndi.maximum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='reflect')
assert_equal([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9], out)
#Test constant
out = sndi.minimum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='constant', cval=-1)
assert_equal([-1, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -1, -1], out)
out = sndi.maximum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='constant', cval=10)
assert_equal([10, 10, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10], out)
# Test nearest
out = sndi.minimum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='nearest')
assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7], out)
out = sndi.maximum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='nearest')
assert_equal([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9], out)
# Test wrap
out = sndi.minimum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='wrap')
assert_equal([0, 0, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 0, 0], out)
out = sndi.maximum_filter1d(in_, 5, mode='wrap')
assert_equal([9, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 9, 9], out)
def test_uniform_filter1d_roundoff_errors():
# gh-6930
in_ = np.repeat([0, 1, 0], [9, 9, 9])
for filter_size in range(3, 10):
out = sndi.uniform_filter1d(in_, filter_size)
assert_equal(out.sum(), 10 - filter_size)
def test_footprint_all_zeros():
# regression test for gh-6876: footprint of all zeros segfaults
arr = np.random.randint(0, 100, (100, 100))
kernel = np.zeros((3, 3), bool)
with assert_raises(ValueError):
sndi.maximum_filter(arr, footprint=kernel)
def test_gaussian_filter():
# Test gaussian filter with np.float16
# gh-8207
data = np.array([1],dtype = np.float16)
sigma = 1.0
with assert_raises(RuntimeError):
def test_rank_filter_noninteger_rank():
# regression test for issue 9388: ValueError for
# non integer rank when performing rank_filter
arr = np.random.random((10, 20, 30))
assert_raises(TypeError, rank_filter, arr, 0.5,
footprint=np.ones((1, 1, 10), dtype=bool))
def test_size_footprint_both_set():
# test for input validation, expect user warning when
# size and footprint is set
with suppress_warnings() as sup:
"ignoring size because footprint is set")
arr = np.random.random((10, 20, 30))
rank_filter(arr, 5, size=2, footprint=np.ones((1, 1, 10), dtype=bool))